profane password generator, as suggested by u/gatestone.
go install
❯ profaneword
shagg'n is mandatory!?
❯ while true; do profaneword;done
Nastile? Enslaving!?
nakedle = Prick-Fucking!
Unwant'N Vs anal-secreten!
Lick'N-Fucker! bollox...NOT!
jizz'n Of Rile 8===D
serial-killer chilly?
strangling < Nut-Sack 8===D
degenerate - satanicalli-fucking!
tediousness: overgrowth-fucking!
Brutalle < Dolefulness-Fucker!
baddie FU
Unforgiving = aggressively!
Excommunicaten > 8===D--pesky
Unjustifi'D Imp
sex-butt-sex Sinned!!
Degenerate!? Poop'N!?
Spooky > Sex-Rild!
drowsy!? Dung
Loner => sex-passivation!
Henchman?! angrile
Soggy 8===D Tripp'N 8===D
❯ profaneword --extend
Dix Ogre - Pit
❯ profaneword --EXTEND
Enviousle Homicidally Lustillee Fuck'D Vs. Jerkass
❯ profaneword 1337
5uccum81n'? p4551v4710n-fuck3r!
❯ profaneword uber1337
|V@~/_| -> |V(_))3
❯ profaneword --extend /s
dimwitted? stIcKy PIrATes
❯ profaneword --extend randomly 1337 /s
DarEdEvils -> aDUlteRaTED p17Y-fuckR5
❯ profaneword --extend randomly random uber1337 /s
hOR2!B|3 3|V§|@\/eN, sEX-DEaTh!
❯ profaneword --extend SCREAM fst
❯ profaneword fat
Infertiliry-Fucker! Haram
❯ profaneword random fst whisper
badmoth'd - poopig
❯ profaneword randomly esrever
Tired noitavissap
❯ profaneword -d "_?"
❯ profaneword -d RAND
❯ profaneword -d RAND
❯ profaneword --no MISSPELL
Awkwardly? sex-exacerbate!
❯ profaneword swear
*%"%$@$&+!e %"!s +@*%*+&$!?
❯ profaneword randomly horse
saddlebags sex-lowsy
❯ profaneword studder
v-v-v-vomittin' i-is torture!
❯ profaneword studder randomly shuffle
F-FU!? n-coiS-A-RSSO-fS-te- #S-S-S-Son-Of-A-R*
❯ profaneword --help
profaneword is a program for generating obscene/profane passwords.
profaneword [flags] [..args]
profaneword [command]
Available Commands:
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
obscure apply formatters on std in
version print the version and exit
--EXTEND lengthen the output further (extensiveness+3)
-d, --delimiter string a specific delimiter to use, or 'RAND' for a randomly chosen one from: '.-/_:$%^+=!@'`,|<>"~\?*&' (default " ")
--extend lengthen the output (extensiveness+1)
-e, --extensiveness int16 how long (number of words) the password should be. Default is 2 (default 2)
-h, --help help for profaneword
--no string exclude types of words: can be MISSPELL, POSITIVE or a '|' separated text of those
1337 output formatted as 1337-speak
uber1337 output formatted with an extended 1337 alphabet
fat output some t3xt wifth fat fringers
fst otput sme tet writen wit haste
esrever desrever tuptuo, per word [random does not apply]
shuffle tuoput si ffudlehs
whisper output is lowercased
swear output cartoonish #%$@!!
studder o-o-output s-s-s-studdering t-text [random does not apply]
horse just output horse-related words in stead[very unsafe] [random does not apply]
/s sARcaSTiC OUtpUt
randomly the next formatter is applied only randomly (per word basis) threshold is 50:50
random the next formatter is applied only randomly (per character basis) threshold is 50:50
both "random" and "randomly" are chainable onto themselves,
though "randomly" must be before "random"
Use "profaneword [command] --help" for more information about a command.
all formatters available with obscure, examples
❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword obscure studder randomly shuffle
a -u-kciqqq wrnbo f-fx-ffo- mpusj -roove t-he-t-tt l-lazy d-d-dog
❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword obscure studder
a-a-a-a q-q-quick brown f-f-f-fox j-j-jumps over t-t-the l-lazy d-d-d-dog
❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword obscure fst
ic brown ox umpsove the lay dog
❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword obscure fat
a quick berian fox jumps over the lazyt dog
❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword obscure randomly 1337 randomly uber1337
a ()_|_|!<|< !312()'//|\| f0x jumps over 7]-[3 lazy dog
❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword obscure randomly 1337 /s
4 QuicK 8r0WN f0x JUMp5 oVEr the 142y D06
❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword -d RAND obscure
The file data_report_test.go
computes the number of combinations:
- for 1 word there will be 58 thousand combinations and on average 8.16 letters in each word
- 2 words there will be 6.88 billion combinations and on average 8.21 letters in each word
- 3 words there will be 811.89 trillion combinations and on average 8.21 letters in each word
These numbers refer to the database level
is always ON, and virtually doubles the number of combinationswhisper
removes the combinations added by title.SCREAM
adds 1 more combination of each word./s
increase combinations by a lot (2^(8*n)
- the length of the word times number of words)whisper
are special (very rare) combinations of/s
it simply makes the uncommon possibilities a lot more common,fat
both increase the combinations by a lot. Againrandom/randomly
just changes the distribution of the possible outcomes.1337
adds one combination,random 1337
adds a lot of combinations (2^(~3*n)
adds many combinations,random uber1337
adds a lot of combinations onto those.- using
reduces combinations significantly. - using
adds a lot of combinations