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Inline shaped definitions in OpsConcrete
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Mikolaj committed Dec 16, 2024
1 parent 1e7a804 commit a77ad31
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 158 deletions.
199 changes: 41 additions & 158 deletions src/HordeAd/Core/OpsConcrete.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,19 +16,15 @@ import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (foldl', mapAccumL, mapAccumR, scanl')
import Data.List.Index (imap)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as M
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
import Data.Strict.Vector qualified as Data.Vector
import Data.Type.Equality (gcastWith, testEquality, (:~:) (Refl))
import Data.Type.Ord (Compare)
import Data.Vector.Generic qualified as V
import Data.Vector.Storable qualified as VS
import GHC.Exts (IsList (..))
import GHC.IsList qualified as IsList
import GHC.TypeLits
(KnownNat, SomeNat (..), sameNat, someNatVal, type (+), type (<=))
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, SomeNat (..), sameNat, someNatVal, type (+))
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (Numeric)
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra qualified as LA
import System.Random
Expand All @@ -38,7 +34,6 @@ import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Data.Array.Mixed.Internal.Arith qualified as Mixed.Internal.Arith
import Data.Array.Mixed.Lemmas
import Data.Array.Mixed.Permutation qualified as Permutation
import Data.Array.Mixed.Shape (StaticShX (..))
import Data.Array.Nested
( IShR
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,34 +194,40 @@ instance BaseTensor RepN where

sminIndex = RepN . tminIndexS . unRepN
smaxIndex = RepN . tmaxIndexS . unRepN
sfloor = RepN . tfloorS . unRepN
sfloor = RepN . liftVS ( floor) . unRepN
siota :: forall n r. (GoodScalar r, KnownNat n)
=> RepN (TKS '[n] r) -- from 0 to n - 1
siota = let n = valueOf @n :: Int
in RepN $ Nested.sfromList1 SNat
$ fromIntegral $ NonEmpty.fromList [0 .. n - 1]
sindex v ix = tindexZS v (fmap unRepN $ ix)
sindex0 v ix = tindex0S v (fmap unRepN ix)
ssum = RepN . tsumS . unRepN
ssum0 = RepN . tscalarS . tsum0S . unRepN
sdot0 u v = RepN $ tscalarS $ tdot0S (unRepN u) (unRepN v)
ssum = RepN . Nested.ssumOuter1 . unRepN
ssum0 = RepN . Nested.sscalar . Nested.ssumAllPrim . unRepN
sdot0 u v = RepN $ Nested.sscalar $ Nested.sdot (unRepN u) (unRepN v)
smatmul2 m1 m2 = RepN $ tmatmul2S (unRepN m1) (unRepN m2)
sscatter t f = RepN $ tscatterZS (unRepN t)
(fmap unRepN . f . fmap RepN)
sscatter1 t f = RepN $ tscatterZ1S (unRepN t)
(fmap unRepN . f . RepN)
sfromList = RepN . tfromListS . unRepN
sfromList = RepN . Nested.sfromListOuter SNat . unRepN
-- TODO: make this strict
sfromList0N = RepN . tfromList0NS . map unRepN
sfromVector = RepN . tfromVectorS . unRepN
sfromVector0N = RepN . tfromVector0NS . unRepN
sunravelToList = map RepN . tunravelToListS . unRepN
sreplicate = RepN . treplicateS . unRepN
sreplicate0N = RepN . treplicate0NS . unRepN
sappend u v = RepN $ tappendS (unRepN u) (unRepN v)
sslice (_ :: Proxy i) _ = RepN . tsliceS @i . unRepN
sreverse = RepN . treverseS . unRepN
stranspose perm = RepN . ttransposeS perm . unRepN
sreshape = RepN . treshapeS . unRepN
sfromVector =
RepN . Nested.sfromListOuter SNat . NonEmpty.fromList . V.toList
. unRepN
sfromVector0N = RepN . tfromList0NS . V.toList . unRepN
sunravelToList = map RepN . Nested.stoListOuter . unRepN
sreplicate = RepN . Nested.sreplicate (SNat :$$ ZSS) . unRepN
sreplicate0N :: forall r sh. (GoodScalar r, KnownShS sh)
=> RepN (TKS '[] r) -> RepN (TKS sh r)
sreplicate0N | Refl <- lemAppNil @sh =
RepN . Nested.sreplicate (knownShS @sh) . unRepN
sappend u v = RepN $ Nested.sappend (unRepN u) (unRepN v)
sslice (_ :: Proxy i) _ = RepN . Nested.sslice (SNat @i) SNat . unRepN
sreverse = RepN . Nested.srev1 . unRepN
stranspose perm = RepN . Nested.stranspose perm . unRepN
sreshape = RepN . Nested.sreshape knownShS . unRepN
sbuild1 f = RepN $ tbuild1S (unRepN . f . RepN)
smap0N :: forall r1 r sh target.
(target ~ RepN, TensorKind2 r1, TensorKind2 r, KnownShS sh)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,16 +257,16 @@ instance BaseTensor RepN where
(fmap unRepN . f . fmap RepN)
sgather1 t f = RepN $ tgatherZ1S (unRepN t)
(fmap unRepN . f . RepN)
scast = RepN . tcastS . unRepN
sfromIntegral = RepN . tfromIntegralS . unRepN
scast = RepN . liftVS ( realToFrac) . unRepN
sfromIntegral = RepN . liftVS ( fromIntegral) . unRepN
szip (RepN (a, b)) = RepN $ Nested.szip a b
sunzip = RepN . Nested.sunzip . unRepN
stoScalar = RepN . Nested.sunScalar . unRepN
sfromScalar = RepN . Nested.sscalar . unRepN

sscaleByScalar s v =
RepN $ tscaleByScalarS (tunScalarS $ unRepN s) (unRepN v)
sdot1In proxy u v = RepN $ tdot1InS proxy (unRepN u) (unRepN v)
RepN $ liftVS ( (* Nested.sunScalar (unRepN s))) (unRepN v)
sdot1In proxy u v = RepN $ Nested.sdot1Inner proxy (unRepN u) (unRepN v)

sfromPrimal = id
sprimalPart = id
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -877,12 +878,14 @@ updateNS arr upd =
in Nested.sfromVector knownShS (foldl' f values upd)

:: forall n sh r r2. ( Nested.PrimElt r, Nested.PrimElt r2, NumAndShow r, NumAndShow r2, KnownShS sh
, KnownShS (Init (n ': sh)) )
:: forall n sh r r2.
( Nested.PrimElt r, Nested.NumElt r, Nested.PrimElt r2, Num r2, KnownShS sh
, KnownShS (Init (n ': sh)) )
=> Nested.Shaped (n ': sh) r -> Nested.Shaped (Init (n ': sh)) r2
tminIndexS =
let f :: Nested.Shaped '[m] r -> Nested.Shaped '[] r2
f = Nested.sscalar . fromIntegral . Nested.Internal.Shape.ixsHead . Nested.sminIndexPrim
f = Nested.sscalar . fromIntegral . Nested.Internal.Shape.ixsHead
. Nested.sminIndexPrim
in case sameShape @sh @'[] of
Just Refl -> f @n
_ ->
Expand All @@ -900,12 +903,14 @@ tminIndexS =
Nothing -> error "tminIndexS: impossible someNatVal error"

:: forall n sh r r2. ( Nested.PrimElt r, Nested.PrimElt r2, NumAndShow r, NumAndShow r2, KnownShS sh
, KnownShS (Init (n ': sh)) )
:: forall n sh r r2.
( Nested.PrimElt r, Nested.NumElt r, Nested.PrimElt r2, Num r2, KnownShS sh
, KnownShS (Init (n ': sh)) )
=> Nested.Shaped (n ': sh) r -> Nested.Shaped (Init (n ': sh)) r2
tmaxIndexS =
let f :: Nested.Shaped '[m] r -> Nested.Shaped '[] r2
f = Nested.sscalar . fromIntegral . Nested.Internal.Shape.ixsHead . Nested.smaxIndexPrim
f = Nested.sscalar . fromIntegral . Nested.Internal.Shape.ixsHead
. Nested.smaxIndexPrim
in case sameShape @sh @'[] of
Just Refl -> f @n
_ ->
Expand All @@ -922,11 +927,6 @@ tmaxIndexS =
Nothing -> error "tmaxIndexS: impossible someNatVal error"
Nothing -> error "tmaxIndexS: impossible someNatVal error"

tfloorS :: forall r r2 sh.
(Nested.PrimElt r, RealFrac r, Nested.PrimElt r2, Integral r2)
=> Nested.Shaped sh r -> Nested.Shaped sh r2
tfloorS = liftVS ( floor)

:: (Nested.PrimElt r1, Nested.PrimElt r)
=> (VS.Vector r1 -> VS.Vector r)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -992,35 +992,9 @@ tindex0S (SS.A (SG.A OI.T{..})) ix =
-- to avoid linearizing @values@, we do everything in unsized way

-- | Sum the outermost dimension.
:: forall n sh r. (Nested.PrimElt r, NumAndShow r)
=> Nested.Shaped (n ': sh) r -> Nested.Shaped sh r
tsumS = Nested.ssumOuter1

-- | Sum all elements of a tensor.
:: forall sh r. (Nested.PrimElt r, NumAndShow r)
=> Nested.Shaped sh r -> r
tsum0S = Nested.ssumAllPrim

:: forall sh r. (Nested.PrimElt r, NumAndShow r)
=> Nested.Shaped sh r -> Nested.Shaped sh r -> r
tdot0S = Nested.sdot

:: (Nested.PrimElt r, NumAndShow r)
=> Proxy n -> Nested.Shaped (sh ++ '[n]) r -> Nested.Shaped (sh ++ '[n]) r
-> Nested.Shaped sh r
tdot1InS = Nested.sdot1Inner

tunravelToListS :: forall r n sh. Nested.KnownElt r
=> Nested.Shaped (n ': sh) r -> [Nested.Shaped sh r]
tunravelToListS = Nested.stoListOuter

:: forall m n p r. (Nested.PrimElt r, KnownNat m, KnownNat n, KnownNat p, Numeric r)
:: forall m n p r.
(Nested.PrimElt r, KnownNat m, KnownNat n, KnownNat p, Numeric r)
=> Nested.Shaped '[m, n] r -> Nested.Shaped '[n, p] r -> Nested.Shaped '[m, p] r
tmatmul2S t u =
let t2 = Nested.stoVector t
Expand All @@ -1038,7 +1012,8 @@ tmatmul2S t u =
-- Note how ix being in bounds is checked. The semantics of the operation
-- permits index out of bounds and then no tensors is added at such an index.
tscatterZS :: forall r sh2 p sh.
(Nested.PrimElt r, NumAndShow r, KnownShS sh2, KnownShS sh, KnownShS (Drop p sh))
( Nested.PrimElt r, NumAndShow r, KnownShS sh2, KnownShS sh
, KnownShS (Drop p sh) )
=> Nested.Shaped (sh2 ++ Drop p sh) r
-> (IIxS64 sh2 -> IIxS64 (Take p sh))
-> Nested.Shaped sh r
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1073,17 +1048,7 @@ tscatterZ1S t f =
(shapeT @sh)
then updateNS (Nested.sreplicateScal knownShS 0) [(ix2, ti)]
else Nested.sreplicateScal knownShS def)
$ tunravelToListS t

:: forall n sh r. (Nested.KnownElt r, KnownNat n)
=> NonEmpty (Nested.Shaped sh r) -> Nested.Shaped (n ': sh) r
tfromListS = Nested.sfromListOuter SNat -- TODO: make this strict

:: forall n sh r. -- (NumAndShow r, KnownNat n)
NonEmpty (Nested.Mixed sh r) -> Nested.Mixed (Just n ': sh) r
tfromListX = error "TODO"
$ Nested.stoListOuter t

-- TODO: make this strict
Expand All @@ -1096,64 +1061,6 @@ tfromList0NS l = case NonEmpty.nonEmpty l of
Nothing -> error "tfromList0NS: empty list, but not shape"
Just nl -> Nested.sfromListLinear knownShS $ Nested.sunScalar nl

:: forall n sh r. (Nested.KnownElt r, KnownNat n)
=> Data.Vector.Vector (Nested.Shaped sh r) -> Nested.Shaped (n ': sh) r
tfromVectorS = tfromListS . NonEmpty.fromList . V.toList

:: forall n sh r. -- (NumAndShow r, KnownNat n)
Data.Vector.Vector (Nested.Mixed sh r) -> Nested.Mixed (Just n ': sh) r
_tfromVectorX = tfromListX . NonEmpty.fromList . V.toList

:: forall r sh. (Nested.KnownElt r, KnownShS sh, KnownNat (Nested.Product sh))
=> Data.Vector.Vector (Nested.Shaped '[] r) -> Nested.Shaped sh r
tfromVector0NS = tfromList0NS . V.toList

:: forall n sh r. (Nested.KnownElt r, KnownNat n)
=> Nested.Shaped sh r -> Nested.Shaped (n ': sh) r
treplicateS = Nested.sreplicate (SNat @n :$$ ZSS)

:: forall r sh. (Nested.KnownElt r, KnownShS sh)
=> Nested.Shaped '[] r -> Nested.Shaped sh r
treplicate0NS | Refl <- lemAppNil @sh = Nested.sreplicate (knownShS @sh)

:: forall r m n sh. Nested.KnownElt r
=> Nested.Shaped (m ': sh) r -> Nested.Shaped (n ': sh) r -> Nested.Shaped ((m + n) ': sh) r
tappendS = Nested.sappend

:: forall i n k sh r. (Nested.KnownElt r, KnownNat i, KnownNat n)
=> Nested.Shaped (i + n + k ': sh) r -> Nested.Shaped (n ': sh) r
tsliceS = Nested.sslice (SNat @i) SNat

:: forall n sh r. Nested.KnownElt r
=> Nested.Shaped (n ': sh) r -> Nested.Shaped (n ': sh) r
treverseS = Nested.srev1

-- TODO: remove the conversion and overhaul the whole codebase
:: forall perm r sh.
(Nested.Elt r, PermC perm, Rank perm <= Rank sh )
=> Permutation.Perm perm -> Nested.Shaped sh r
-> Nested.Shaped (Permutation.PermutePrefix perm sh) r
ttransposeS perm =
gcastWith (unsafeCoerce Refl :: Compare (Rank perm) (Rank sh) :~: LT) $
gcastWith (unsafeCoerce Refl
:: Permutation.PermutePrefix perm sh :~: Permutation.PermutePrefix perm sh) $
Nested.stranspose perm

:: forall r sh sh2.
(Nested.KnownElt r, KnownShS sh2, Nested.Product sh ~ Nested.Product sh2)
=> Nested.Shaped sh r -> Nested.Shaped sh2 r
treshapeS = Nested.sreshape knownShS

:: forall n sh r. (KnownNat n, Nested.KnownElt r)
=> (Int64 -> Nested.Shaped sh r) -> Nested.Shaped (n ': sh) r
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1213,27 +1120,3 @@ tgatherZ1S t f =
$ (\i -> t `tindexZS'` f i)
(NonEmpty.fromList [0 .. valueOf @n2 - 1])
in Nested.sfromListOuter SNat l

tcastS :: forall r1 r2 sh.
(Nested.PrimElt r1, Nested.PrimElt r2, Real r1, Fractional r2)
=> Nested.Shaped sh r1 -> Nested.Shaped sh r2
tcastS = liftVS ( realToFrac)

tfromIntegralS :: forall r1 r2 sh .
(Nested.PrimElt r1, Nested.PrimElt r2, NumAndShow r2, Integral r1)
=> Nested.Shaped sh r1 -> Nested.Shaped sh r2
tfromIntegralS = liftVS ( fromIntegral)

:: Nested.Elt r
=> r -> Nested.Shaped '[] r
tscalarS = Nested.sscalar

:: Nested.Elt r
=> Nested.Shaped '[] r -> r
tunScalarS = Nested.sunScalar

tscaleByScalarS :: forall r sh. (Nested.PrimElt r, Num r)
=> r -> Nested.Shaped sh r -> Nested.Shaped sh r
tscaleByScalarS s = liftVS ( (* s))

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