MemoryAccessLogger is a Pin tool that logs memory accesses of an application. In particular, this Pin tool can provide statistics for memory-access instructions (memory-read v.s. memory-write instructions), and for memory-access sizes (total size, memory-read size, and memory-write size).
In Makefile, set the variable "PIN_ROOT" to the root directory of the Pin kit.
$ make
For example, to see the aforementioned statistics for the "ls" command, just run the "ls" command using Pin.
$ pin -t obj-intel64/ -o ls.log -- ls
$ cat ls.log
MemoryAccessLogger Results:
Number of instructions executed : 378236
Number of memory-access instructions : 129874 (34.3368%)
Number of memory-read instructions : 94058
24.8675% of all instructions
72.4225% of memory-access instructions
Number of memory-write instructions: 35816
9.46922% of all instructions
27.5775% of memory-access instructions
Number of instructions that ONLY read from memory: 37534
39.9052% of memory-read instructions
28.9003% of memory-access instructions
Total Memory Accessed : 140KB
Size of memory that are read from: 109KB (77.8571%)
Size of memory that are written to: 47KB (33.5714%)
Size of memory that are ONLY read from: 92KB (65.7143%)
Sometimes, the analysis process can take many hours. By using all the CPU cores on the host for the analysis part, MemoryAccessLoggerFast
is much faster than MemoryAccessLogger
. By default, the analysis process should use all the CPU cores on the host. However, using C++11 threads in a Pin tool is quite tricky. Thus, the analysis process is split from the Pin tool.
Below commands show how to use MemoryAccessLoggerFast
$ make
$ g++ -std=c++11 -pthread -o analyzer Analyzer.cpp
$ pin -t obj-intel64/ -o ls.log -- ls
$ ./analyzer
Analyzing ...
(Be patient, this may take hours!)
See file ls.log for analysis results!
$ cat ls.log
MemoryAccessLogger Results:
Number of instructions executed : 378236
Number of memory-access instructions : 129874 (34.3368%)
Number of memory-read instructions : 94058
24.8675% of all instructions
72.4225% of memory-access instructions
Number of memory-write instructions: 35816
9.46922% of all instructions
27.5775% of memory-access instructions
Number of instructions that ONLY read from memory: 37534
39.9052% of memory-read instructions
28.9003% of memory-access instructions
Total Memory Accessed : 140KB
Size of memory that are read from: 109KB (77.8571%)
Size of memory that are written to: 47KB (33.5714%)
Size of memory that are ONLY read from: 92KB (65.7143%)