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MDL Search

An implementation of the Blacklight Search platform.

Developer Quickstart

Local/Docker hybrid

We'll run the Rails app locally, but the databases (MySQL, Redis, and Solr) are containerized.

Install Docker and Docker Compose Install Docker Compose

Copy the .env-example file

cp .env-example .env

Once this file has been copied, you will need to legitimize the values of the various environment variables it contains. Check with Paul Swanson to get real values for variables that have placeholders.

Install Ruby 3.1.2 via rbenv

brew install rbenv ruby-build
rbenv init
rbenv install 3.3.5

Install MySQL and Redis clients, as well as geckodriver for system tests run via Selenium.

brew install [email protected] redis geckodriver tesseract

If you are using an M series Mac, add Bundler config for building MySQL

mkdir -p .bundle
echo 'BUNDLE_BUILD__MYSQL2: "--with-mysql-lib=/opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/lib --with-mysql-dir=/opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected] --with-mysql-config=/opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/bin/mysql_config --with-mysql-include=/opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/include --with-ldflags=-L/opt/homebrew/opt/zlib/lib"' >> .bundle/config

Install Nginx and mkcert (for local SSL)

brew install nginx mkcert
brew install nss # If you use Firefox

Install a local SSL cert

mkcert -install # Will ask for sudo password

mkcert mdl.devlocal

mkdir -p certs
mv mdl.devlocal* ./certs/

Install the Nginx config


Start Nginx

sudo brew services start nginx

Nginx worker processes runs as user nobody. To ensure Nginx can reverse proxy to the Puma socket, nobody may need to be added to the staff group. This can be done with the following command:

sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a nobody -t user staff

Update hosts file

sudo vi /etc/hosts

# at the bottom, add mdl.devlocal

Install Node via NVM (or preferred alternative)

nvm install 20

Install Yarn

npm i -g yarn

Run the setup script (builds Docker images for dependencies)


Start Sidekiq

./ 'default -q iiif_search -q critical,2'

Ingest some content

INGEST_ALL=1 bundle exec rake 'mdl_ingester:collection[p15160coll13]'
INGEST_ALL=1 bundle exec rake 'mdl_ingester:collection[p16022coll10]'

Logging in

Start the rails server

bundle exec rails s

You can login by visiting https://mdl.devlocal/users/sign_in

username: [email protected] password: password

Interacting with the App on the Command Line

Enter an interactive session with the application (must be running in another tab):

$ bundle exec rails console


  • [MySQL] If you run into issues with the database, try removing and recreating the db volumes:
    • $ docker-compose down -v; docker-compose up

Updating the Webpacker Image

When you update certain frontend elements of the app, you'll need to rebuild the webpacker image. Things like adding a new "pack" (entrypoint), adding or removing dependencies, and updating the version of NodeJS all require rebuilding the image. Here's how you do it:

  1. Find the container ID of the webpacker container

    docker ps -qa -f name=webpacker

  2. If it's running, stop it

    docker stop $CONTAINER_ID

  3. remove the container:

    docker rm $CONTAINER_ID

  4. Find the image(s)

    docker images mdl_search_webpacker -q

  5. Remove the images

    docker rmi $IMAGE_ID

  6. Build the new image (assuming you're done making changes for now)

    docker-compose build webpacker

  7. Run the container

    docker-compose up -d webpacker


# Full suite
bundle exec rspec

# Single directory
bundle exec rspec spec/features/

# Single file
bundle exec rspec spec/lib/borealis_image_spec.rb

We have separate Docker containers for development and test environments so that you can run tests without worrying about affecting your local development data.

Developer Tips

  • "How to I add/remove/change X feature in the UI?"
    • MDL Search makes use of a Rails Engine called "Blacklight". Rails engines are like little Rails apps that you override within your own app. If there is a UI feature you want to alter or remove, you may need to hunt around a bit in Blacklight to find it. Tip: browse the HTML source of the feature you are looking for and search the Blacklight view codebase (for your specific version) for small unique html snippets from the interface; sometimes you'll get lucky. Other times, you may have to browse through template render calls until you find what you are looking for.

Docker Help

Some aliases for your shell

# Note: you might consider adding aliases (shortcuts) in your shell env to make it easier to run these commands. e.g.:
# alias dps='docker ps -a'

# Show all docker images
$ docker ps -a

# Force Remove all MDL images
$ docker-compose stop; docker rmi -f $(docker images -q --filter="reference=mdl*")

# Remove all inactive Docker images (ones that have "Exited")
$ docker rm $(docker ps -a | grep Exited | awk '\''BEGIN { FS=" " } ; {print $1;}'\'')

# CAREFUL! Scorched earth! remove all Docker images
$ docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^<none>" | awk "{print $3}")

Useful Tools

This is especially useful for analyzing containers to see why they are the size that they are and finding ways to slim them down.