NI-SGCN: Noise-Injected Spiking Graph Convolution for Energy-Efficient 3D Point Cloud Denoising (AAAI‘25)
We design noise-injected spiking graph convolutional networks (NI-SGCN) for 3D point cloud denoising, which is based on an ANN-based denoising architecture, ScoreDenoise. The NI-SGCN consists of two main parts: the spiking feature extraction module and the score estimation module.
Consequently, we propose two implementations of NI-SGCN: the first is a hybrid architecture, NI-HSGCN, witch employs the above spiking feature extraction module and the ANN-based score estimation module; the second is NI-PSGCN, a purely SNN-based structure, which fully leverages the enhanced energy efficiency of SNNs.
- Python 3.8
- PyTorch 2.1.2
- CUDA and CuDNN (CUDA 11.8 & CuDNN 8.7)
- point_cloud_utils 0.30.4
- For evaluation only. It loads meshes to compute point-to-mesh distances.
- pytorch3d 0.7.5
- For evaluation only. It computes point-to-mesh distances.
- pytorch-cluster 1.6.3
- We only use
(farthest point sampling) to merge denoised patches. - spikingjelly
- other:
- tqdm
- scipy
- scikit-learn
- pyyaml
- easydict
- tensorboard
- pandas
Download link:
Please extract
to data
cd models_NI_HSGCN
bash NI-HSGCN-T4 4
time step t=4
Please find tunable parameters in the script.
cd models_NI_PSGCN
bash NI-PSGCN-T4 4
Please find tunable parameters in the script.
# PCNet dataset, 10K Points, 0.01 noise, niters 1, T 4
cd models_NI_HSGCN
bash NI-HSGCN-T4 ../Exp/NI-HSGCN-T4/checkpoint/ PCNet 10000_poisson 0.01 1 4
Please find tunable parameters in the script.
cd models_NI_HSGCN
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