This is a reimplementation / port of flatpickr to react.
The main goals are:
- CSS Compatability
- Same functionality and behavior
Why not use react-flatpickr?
For most purposes, the react-flatpickr might even be the better option. However, I have ran into some issues with the wrapping approach.
Also, you might rely on two projects updating their packages to get the bugfix you need.
This is heavily work in progress. Do not use.
- Have the basic date picker working
- Open and closes correctly
- Callback for selection
- Implement "defaultDate"
- Implement "minDate"
- Implement "maxDate"
- Correctly position the opening calendar
- Unit tests and documentation for the base picker
- Implement the date + time picker
- Implement inline option
- Implement weeknumbers
- Implement picker for multiple dates
- Unit tests and documentation
- Implement the range pickr
- Implement enabling and disabling of dates.