This application was design as part of the Huawei Android development competition at Koc University. This application demonstrates integrating HMS core authenticating kit with real world application. It identifies Huawei devices and proved sign-in with Huawei ID option.
The application serves as a platform for teachers and students, where teachers can track students, create multiple-choice quizzes and push them to students. For accessing the teacher mode, please use Email: admin and Password: admin
- User Login system on Firebase database.
- Sign-In, Sing-up, Sign-out menu
- Identify Huawei devices and provie Silent SignUp/SignIn with Huawei ID
- Quiz taking system between Teacher and Students
- Realtime user system connected with Firebase database
The following demonstrates the basic usage of the application.
For accessing the teacher mode, please use Email: admin and Password: admin
Second Usage: Sign-in with email. Take the available quizzes (By default every student will be given two quizzes initially). Sign-out
Thrid Usage: Explore the list of the students and the list of questions. Select some questions and make a quiz for some students. Sing-In for one of these students and take the quiz.
The multiple choice questions were taken from the OpenTriviaQA open source dataset