Mobile ID custom auth module for simplesamlphp
Refer to project documentation for more details:
mobileid:auth is a module for login with Mobile ID.
Checkout the project directly from git under the simplesamlphp/modules
cd <simplesamlphp>/modules
git clone mobileid
- PHP XML Manipulation
Enable the cas module:
touch modules/mobileid/enable
Put the Mobile ID related certificates into the cert/ directory in the PEM format. For proper signature validation the mid_ca_file
must contain all relevant issuing(s) and root CA certificates. Sample CA files can be found here doc_cafiles/.
The certkey_file
file must contain both private key and certificate in PEM format (cat mycert.crt mycert.key > mycertandkey.crt
). Example of content:
Add the module in the sources config/authsources.php
'MobileID' => array(
'certkey_file' => 'mycertandkey.pem', // File with private key and certificate for the authentication
'ssl_ca_file' => 'mobileid-ca-ssl.crt', // CA file for the HTTPS connection
'mid_ca_file' => 'mobileid-ca-signature.crt', // CA file for the trust anchor validation of the signature response
'hosturi' => '', // Host prefix for the message to be signed
'ap_id' => '<ID provided by Swisscom>', // ID of the service provider
'ap_pwd' => '<Password provided by Swisscom>', // Password of the service provider
Optional configuration elements
'default_lang' => 'en|de|..', // Default language of the signature request; en if option not set
'proxy_host' => '', // e.g. ''
'proxy_port' => 8080, // Only relevant if proxy_host is set
'proxy_login' => 'proxyuser', // Only relevant if proxy_host is set
'proxy_password' => 'pwd', // Only relevant if proxy_login is set
'service_url' => 'https://...', // Mobile ID service URL, e.g. ''
'allowed_mcc' => array('228', '543'), // List of allowed Mobile Country Codes,
'timeout_conn' => 45, // Connection timeout towards Mobile ID service
'timeout_req' => 35, // Request timeout for Mobile ID request
: the userid attribute provided at the login windowmobile
: the Mobile ID number in international format with 00 as prefixpreferredLanguage
: the language used during the validation processuserCertificate
: the Mobile ID user certificate (PEM encoded)serialNumber
: the SerialNumber of the Distinguished Name (DN) in the related Mobile ID user certificatepseudonym
: themobile
attribute in the Swisscom SuisseID format 1100-7 e.g 1100-7417-9208-0350mcc
: the Mobile Country Code where the Mobile ID is currently connected to e.g 228 for Switzerlandmnc
: the Mobile Network Code where the Mobile ID is currently connected to e.g 01 for Swisscom
Returned value is urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:MobileTwoFactorContract
All errors are handled in the 'lib/Auth/Source/Auth.php' file.
Following errors will throw an exception:
/* Filter the configuration errors */
$exception_code = array("102", "103", "104", "107", "108", "109");
if (in_array($erroris, $exception_code)) {
SimpleSAML\Logger::warning('MobileID: error in service call ' . var_export($errortxt, TRUE));
throw new Exception('MobileID: error in service call ' . var_export($errortxt, TRUE));
By default all other errors will display the dictionaries/errors.definition.json:"descr_DEFAULT":
message and can be translated. If for a specific error a custom text should be displayed, it can be added to the dictionaries as descr_<errorcode>
and must be defined in the $dico_code
/* Filter the dictionaries errors and map the rest to default */
$dico_code = array("101", "105", "208", "209", "401", "402", "403", "404", "406", "422", "501", "503");
if (!in_array($erroris, $dico_code)) {
$erroris = 'DEFAULT';
$errortxt = $errortxt . ' mapped to ' . $erroris;
Refer to the "Mobile ID - SOAP client reference guide" document from Swisscom for more details about error states.
The message is composed by "'hosturi': {mobileid:Auth:message} (#TRANSID#)". #TRANSID# is a placeholder that may be used anywhere in the message to include a unique transaction id.
Example: " Authentication with Mobile ID? (6GwBOP)"
The actual resources are translated in EN, DE, FR, IT. Refer to the files in the dictionaries/
The module follows the 'Theming the user interface in SimpleSAMLphp' rules and it can overridden by copying and adjusting the mobileidtemplate.php
in your own theming module.