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Analyzing distributed systems using Dinv

Dinv at a high level

Dinv is a tool to infer likely invariants of a system by analyzing logs generated from the system's execution.

Dinv's approach to observe network communication and variables is to augment a system's source code. Network calls need to be instrumented and variables need to be recorded at specific program points.

The execution of an instrumented system results in artifacts that describe communication paths and variable's values when they are logged. The execution environment should focus on triggering behavior that you are interested in analyzing; often the system's execution is scripted.

Dinv analyses the execution traces to arrive at "distributed program points"; points in times at which the state of multiple hosts is comparable. Distributed program points are similar to distributed snapshots. Like snapshots, distributed program points are an aggregation of distributed state. Unlike snapshots they correspond to the state of a system which corresponds to specific lines of code on seperate hosts.

Multiple occurrences of the same distributed program point are grouped and analyzed by the invariant detector Daikon. Daikon will produce invariants for each distributed program point.

Eventually the user must evaluated the meaning of invariants for the correctness of the analyzed system, while considering logging instrumentation, the execution environment and analysis settings.


Before getting started, install Go, Dinv, GoVector, and Daikon. Refer to the README for detailed instructions. You also need access to the source of the system that you want to analyze.

Throughout this tutorial we reference the sum server, found in our example directory.

Initalizing Dinv

Dinv maintains a small runtime during a systems execution. The runtime logs variables, and maintians vector clocks. Any call to Dinv's api be it a network read/write, or variable logging will automaticall initalize the Dinv runtime. When the runtime is initalize it will automatically generate a 32 bit unique id for the node it is running on.

To manually set the name of the host machine call dinvRT.Initalize("unique-node-name") before any other calls to Dinvs api.

Network Instrumentation

Dinv uses vector clocks to reason about distributed executions. Vector clocks provide a partial ordering on a systems exeuction. Dinv uses this partial ordering to combine the states of different nodes.

Vector clocks are attached to messages by wrapping network read/write calls with functions provided by a library called GoVector.

Identifying and instrumenting send and receive functions can either be done automatically or manually. Automatic instrumentation does only work for a limited set of standard network functions; it does not work for network reads and writes wrapped by encoders. Try the automatic approach first and instrument not processed functions manually.

Automatic instrumentation using GoVector

GoVector provides both the library that Dinv uses to manage vector clocks at runtime and a command-line tool to automatically identify and instrument networking functions in Go code.

Assuming that GoVector is correctly installed, the following command will instrument the sum example provided along this document.

$ GoVector -dir="$GOPATH/src/" 

Source Built
Source Built
Wrappers Built
var conn net.PacketConn
var conn net.PacketConn

GoVector's output reveals that two network calls have been instrumented. GoVector has injected a new import ( in server/lib/server.go, and wrapped ReadFrom and WriteTo:

_, addr, err := conn.ReadFrom(buf[0:])
conn.WriteTo(msg, addr)

has been replaced by

_, addr, err := capture.ReadFrom(conn.ReadFrom, buf[0:])
capture.WriteTo(conn.WriteTo, msg, addr)

The rest of the program is untouched. GoVector transparently attaches and strips clocks without changing the program's semantics.

Manual transport of vector clocks

If GoVector failed to instrument your code, you need to manually attach vector clocks to messages.

vc := dinvRT.Pack(nil)
// vc is a byte array ([]byte) containing only the vector clock
// without additional information

The function dinvRT.Pack(msg interface{}) []byte performs a clock tick and returns the encoded vector clock. capture functions pass a message buffer to dinvRT.Pack, which returns th buffer with the vector clock timestamp attached to it. To only retrieve the vector clock without additional information, invoke dinvRT.Pack with nil.

var dummy []byte
dinvRT.Unpack(vc, &dummy)
// dinv will have processed the received vector clock timestamp
// dummy will contain no data; it's only used to satisfy the type system 

The function dinvRT.Unpack(msg []byte, pack interface{}) processes the vector clock timestamp included in msg and writes any additional information to pack. When dinvRT.Pack was invoked with nil, dummy will be empty.

Application: Vector clock transportation using HTTP headers

A custom HTTP header can be used to transport vector clocks when GoVector's pre-defined functions are not applicable. The following two code snippets will demonstrate this approach:

func handleHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  vc := dinvRT.Pack(nil)
  w.Header().Set("VectorClock", base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(vc))

The current vector clock is retrieved using dinvRT.Pack and its' base64 representation is inserted into a "VectorClock" header field.

vcHeader := header.Get("VectorClock")
if vcHeader == "" {
    return fmt.Errorf("no vector clock header attached")

vc, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(vcHeader)
if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("error base64-decoding vcHeader: %s", err.Error())

var dummy []byte
dinvRT.Unpack(vc, &dummy)

The code handling an HTTP response is not quite as compact due to error handling. In essence however it performs the steps backwards: The encoded vector clock is read from the header, decoded, and passed to dinvRT.Unpack. Remember that the byte array dummy is only needed to satisfy Go's type system; it will be empty since nil has been passed to dinvRT.Pack.

Verifying instrumentation

After instrumenting network calls, a run of the system should yield log files containing JSON encoded vector clocks for each process in the current working directory. Log files are named by the schema ${timestamp at Dinv initialization}.log-Log.txt. Each node is uniquely defined by the time it was started.

Each log file starts with the node initializing. Over time you can see the node receiving messages from different nodes for the first time. 810724201.log-log.txt could look like this:

810724201 {"810724201":1}
Initialization Complete
810724201 {"810724201":2}
Sending from 810724201
810724201 {"810724201":3}
Sending from 810724201
810724201 {"810724201":4, "814645650":2}
Received on 810724201
810724201 {"810724201":5, "811635838":5, "814645650":2}
Received on 810724201
810724201 {"810724201":6, "811635838":5, "812001880":3, "812296886":7, "814645650":2}
Received on 810724201
810724201 {"810724201":7, "811635838":5, "812001880":3, "812296886":7, "814645650":2}
Sending from 810724201

Look at each *.log-Log.txt file and check that all of them include the vector clocks from all other nodes. If not all other nodes are included (often it is only the node that wrote to the log file), at least one communication channel is not properly instrumented.

Logging variables

Now that Dinv is able to make use of vector clocks to reason about the order of events happening at different nodes, we can think about which values to capture at which program points. Dinv analyses those values to infer invariants. In our experience, an iterative narrowing approach is most effective.

Pick which step to start on, depending on how familiar you are with the system, if you already have specific invariants in mind and understand how big the system is. Start by instrumenting the system in some way and move on to a first execution and analysis before reconsidering the selected variables.

  1. logging all variables in scope at specific program points
  2. logging specific variables at specific program points

Dinv distinguishes capturing values (recording a variable's value) from logging values (writing values to disk). Dinv exposes two structures that capture a variables value when encountered: Dump and Track. Dump immediately logs after capturing a value. Track however, cumulates the values and only logs them at the next send/receive event. Read on for application examples.

From our experience it's usually a good idea to use Dump instead of Track statements, when instrumenting a system for the first time. Experiment with Track when the generated invariants don't match your expectations.

During execution of a system with instrumented networking and logging statements, every process writes to two files: One file (i.e., 1475088947.Encoded.txt) containes the specified variables, the other one (i.e., 810724201.log-log.txt vector clock timestamps.

Using Dump to simultaneously record and log variables

When a Dump statement is encountered, the variables' values are captured and immediately logged. The function signature Dump(dumpID, variableNames string, variableValues ...interface{}) reveals that three arguments are expected.

The first one, dumpID string, must uniquely identify a dump statement in a execution across all hosts. While no specific format is enforced, it's usually a good idea to include a process's hostname, port number or IP address in the dump ID. Note that the number of variables and their names included in a Dump statement must stay the same over the course of an execution, e.g., they must not be dynamic. Example:

// Code at all nodes:
dinvRT.Dump("node" + port + ":MemberStateDump, "var1,var2", var1.String(), var2.String())

// DumpID at node listening on port 8000: node8000:MemberStateDump
// DumpID at node listening on port 8001: node8001:MemberStateDump

Using Track to accumulate state before logging

Track expects the same arguments as Dump and behaves in general similarly. Unlike Dump, Track does not immediately log values, but cumulates them and only logs them at the next send/receive event. Only the latest value of a variable is logged.

s := "dlrow_olleh"
n := 0
dinvRT.Track(port+"Track1", "s,n", s, n)

s = "hello_world"
m := 5
dinvRT.Track(port+"Track2", "s,m", s, m)

// send or receive happens
// logged values: "s=hello_world, n=0, m=5"

TODO talk about option to not reset kv store? TODO concrete example where this is useful

Track can provide a more complete view of a node�s state since variables from multiple captures can be analyzed together. This comes at the cost of precision, since intermediate state transitions are not reflected during a single vector time. This is usefull when invariants between variabeles of different scopes are wanted.

The key-value store has the option to persist the values of variables stored over vector time transitions or reset them. Resetting the key-value store provides a full view of a nodes state at a single vector time, which is a precise view. Alternativly values can be persisted across vector times. This is particularly usefull in low connectivty systems. In cases where communication in a cluster is not highly connected the probability of nodes executing wanted logging statements at matching vector times is low.

Advanced state encoding

Often a system's state is not directly represented in a form that Dinv can handle or that Daikon can reason about, i.e., not represented as a number or string. Imagine that we want to check that all members of a cluster have a consistent view of the network: At each point during execution, the list of members should be equal on all hosts. The system might store information about members in an array members string[]. To compare members between hosts we can log a string representation of that array:

var state bytes.Buffer
for _, member := range members {
    state.WriteString(member + ",") 
dinvRT.Dump(hostname+":MemberState", "MemberState", state.String())

Notice that members is sorted before the string is built; this is needed to make the comparison independent of insertion order.

System execution

Even though some systems differ substantively, in our experience the approach to instrumentation, execution and analysis revealed patterns applicable to all systems. This section gives recommendations based on our experiences.

When trying out Dinv for the first time, spin up your system and let it work for some time. If the number of nodes is dynamic, start with 2-4 nodes and let the system run between 10 and 30 seconds. You need to make sure that the instrumented code paths are used and message are exchanged to generate enough data that Dinv can analyze. During execution, every process should have created and wrote two log files, one containing vector clock timestamps, the other one containing logged variables. Continue by analyzing these files with Dinv.

Manually starting and stopping executions by hand gets tiring. Furthermore it's desirable to make executions as deterministic as possible to attribute changes in invariant output to instrumentation and analysis settings. When setting up a run environment, consider the invariants you are interested in and the causes that result in the execution of instrumented code paths: Request keys from a load-balanced key-value store to check for consistency or partition a leader-election system to observe re-elections.

TODO mention, maybe how to integrate it or how a typical run script looks like

Mining distributed state

After executing an instrumented system, your working directory includes a Log.txt and Encoded.txt file for every node. Dinv can now connect the individual host states based on the information provided by vector time. To start the merging process, run dinv -logmerger *Encoded.txt *Log.txt to pass all log files to Dinv. Advisable options are -shiviz to visualize the execution using Shiviz and -name="fruits" to produce more readable output.

When Dinv terminates, the directory contains multiple dtrace files, each for a distributed program point, that can next be analyzed by Daikon.

Merging strategies

The decision about which points to group together is made by a pluggable merging strategy. We identified three useful strategies: Whole cut merge, send-receive merge and total ordering merge. TODO Consult the README for further information about their algorithmic implementation.

Which merging strategy to use depends on the type of invariant you're after. When analyzing the system for the first time, stick with the default total ordering merge strategy for now. Try one of the others, if the output doesn't match your expectation.

Total ordering merge groups points that happened as the result of a "message chain". TODO example

Whole cut merge is applicable when you want to find an invariant that is not invalidated at any point during execution. Imagine that each node is supposed to talk to only two specific other nodes. Checking that property using Dinv can be done by always logging a message's target address before sending it, and merging the logs using the whole cut merging strategy.

Send-receive merge relates the program point at the sender immediately before sending a message, with the program point at the receiving node immediately after receiving the message. This strategy is most useful when trying to check properties based on state updates which are spread through the network from node to node.

The ring example provided along this document uses send-receive merge. The processes is described in the example's README.

Detecting invariants using Daikon

It's time for some invariants! Assuming you are in a directory containing dtrace files generated by Dinv, run java daikon.daikon *.dtrace. Daikon prints the results to the console and additionally saves them in files ending with ".inv.gz".

Interpreting invariants

Daikon output is composed of invariant relationships between variables. All relationships on variables of the same type are transitive. Dinv names variables based on the node they ran on, the package they are from, the name of the source code, line number of the logging statement, and the variables name. This nameing scheme may seem pedantic, but it is nessisary to prevent variables from different scopes but with the same name being confused. An example of Dinv's output taken from our sum server is as follows.


clientNode_main_client_66_n == serverNode_main_server_65_a
clientNode_main_client_66_m == serverNode_main_server_65_b
clientNode_main_client_66_sum == serverNode_main_server_65_sum
clientNode_main_client_66_n + clientNode_main_client_66_m == clientNode_main_client_66_sum

The first line of the file corresponds to the name of the distributed program point on which the invariants in the output hold. In this example the distributed program point is composed of line 66 on the client and line 65 on the server. The invariants show that the varible n on the client, and a on the server are identical. The same is true for variables m and b, and the sum on both nodes. The last invariant shows the sum relationship between the client n, m, and sum. By transitivy the same relationship holds between client and server variables.