Releases: ModificationStation/StationAPI
[2.0.0-alpha.4] Java 8 + 9 + 6 = 23!
- Removed the reimplementation of Divisor's Player API
- Removed Indigo Renderer
- Added helper methods for registering objects to registries
- Cleaned up Java hacks that prevented StationAPI from working on Java 18 and newer
- Fixed a couple of NullPointerExceptions
- Added Block#onStateReplaced
- Enabled registry synchronization for BlockColors, ItemColors and buckets
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-alpha.3...2.0.0-alpha.4
[2.0.0-alpha.3] 2.0 isn't semantic, apparently
Also, 2.0-alpha.3 had severe build issues, so now we have 2.0.0-alpha.3
[2.0-alpha.3] Big update with big tools
- Registries no longer freeze
- Fixed world conversion when the folder name doesn't match the world name
- Added InitFinishedEvent
- Clock's dial animation now scales to the clock's texture size, fixing crash with some texturepacks
- Added an option to allow DataTracker sync of non-living entities at spawn
- Added metadata furnace fuel
- Removed redundant dependencies
- Introduced packet types, making custom networking faster and easier to use
- Introduced tools API, a flexible system for defining tool level inheritance and player's mining strength and effectiveness
Full Changelog: 2.0-alpha.2.3...2.0-alpha.3
[2.0-alpha.2.3] Fixed Skylands cavegen
What's Changed
- Fix for out of bounds for blocks by @paulevsGitch in #114
Full Changelog: 2.0-alpha.2.2...2.0-alpha.2.3
[2.0-alpha.2.2] Fixed the world
- Fixed ChunkDecoration event not getting called on server
- Reworked tooltip renderer
- Added RegistriesFrozenEvent
- Fixed registries not being frozen on server
- Fixed late DimensionRegistry initialization
- Added getter methods to StationAPI recipe classes
- Fixed cave generation for custom world height and depth
- Fixed invasive packet mixins
- Fixed grass generation for custom depth
Full Changelog: 2.0-alpha.2.1...2.0-alpha.2.2
[2.0-alpha.2.1] Only vanilla bugs now
Fixed pistons removing blocks and overwriting other blocks under specific circumstances.
Only vanilla piston bugs are present now.
Full Changelog: 2.0-alpha.2...2.0-alpha.2.1
[2.0-alpha.2] Apparently, bugs
What's Changed
- Fix array out of bounds exception when StationAPI client joins a vanilla server by @telvarost in #90
- Added World Save event by @MrMasrozYTLIVE in #93
- Armor Texture Fix by @paulevsGitch in #94
- Buildscript 3: Electric Tree: Kotlin Edition: Less Cursed Edition by @calmilamsy in #96
- ServerLoginSuccessEvent Mod List by @calmilamsy in #97
- Translation keys v1 by @mineLdiver in #105
- Custom Dispenser Behavior addition to station-items-api-v0 by @matthewperiut in #99
New Contributors
- @telvarost made their first contribution in #90
- @MrMasrozYTLIVE made their first contribution in #93
- @mineLdiver made their first contribution in #105
Full Changelog: 2.0-alpha.1.1...2.0-alpha.2
[2.0-alpha.1.1] Bugfixes
What's Changed
- Fix for grass in fluids by @paulevsGitch in #84
- Fix for underwater fog by @paulevsGitch in #85
Full Changelog: 2.0-alpha.1...2.0-alpha.1.1
[2.0-alpha.1] Flattening, renderer, mappings...
Lots of things has happened.
What's Changed
- Move more data into sections, world height implementation by @paulevsGitch in #20
- Fix for Flattening module by @paulevsGitch in #22
- Small fix for fix by @paulevsGitch in #23
- Fix for new world creation by @paulevsGitch in #24
- More blockstates and models by @paulevsGitch in #25
- Access widener for LongArrayTag by @paulevsGitch in #26
- Additional Debug Info by @paulevsGitch in #28
- Fix some incompatibilities related to Apron. by @thecatcore in #29
- Fixes pumpkins negating all damage by @matthewperiut in #55
- Fix for wrong block particles and sounds by @paulevsGitch in #61
- add preMine and preHit methods to Items by @DanyGames2014 in #63
- Improve ProgressListener for World conversion using DataFixers by @thecatcore in #65
- Worldgen API v0 by @paulevsGitch in #66
- Worldgen API v0 [Part 2] by @paulevsGitch in #68
- Fix for client-server crash related to null biome source by @paulevsGitch in #69
- Fix for incorrect biomegen seed handling on clients by @paulevsGitch in #70
- Emission textures by @paulevsGitch in #73
- Light emission per blockstate by @paulevsGitch in #72
- Worldgen API v0 [Part 3] by @paulevsGitch in #75
- Bonemeal API by @paulevsGitch in #78
New Contributors
- @paulevsGitch made their first contribution in #20
- @thecatcore made their first contribution in #29
- @matthewperiut made their first contribution in #55
- @DanyGames2014 made their first contribution in #63
Full Changelog: 2.0-PRE2...2.0-alpha.1
The API is set in stone.
This pre-release provides the final look of the API. There shouldn't be any backwards-compatibility-breaking changes after this release. Some functionality is absent such as block model rotations and some stuff is bugged but just slightly, such as keybindings not translating properly. All of this should be fixed in the final release, or, if something critical is found, in pre-release 3.