Kisaragi is a discord bot focusing on anime, website searching, and music playback, and some other server utilities. Invite the bot here
Double click on the same reaction to toggle a compact form of the help menu.
- Open the help menu which lists all commands.
=>help command
- Detailed help information, such as arguments, usage, and an example image.
=>help !category
- Only posts the help menu page for that category.
=>help dm
- Compact help list that is compatible in dm's.
Please let me know by submitting an issue or using the feedback
command on the bot.
First you will need to download all of these.
- Node.js v23:
- PostgreSQL v16:
- Redis v7:
- Sox:
- FFmpeg:
The first step is to clone this repo to download all of the code.
git clone
In the same directory, install all of the dependencies with the command:
npm install
You need to create a bot application on Discord. Create a new application at:
Create a bot under the bot tab, you can give it any name and profile picture that you wish. Rename the file named .env.example
- this file has all of your credentials, so it should never be shared. Add your token after the variable named TOKEN
Filling out the rest of the file is relatively self-explanatory, only your token and database credentials are mandatory. API keys can
be omitted, but their respective commands won't work.
The bot uses a lot of custom emojis, which you can find in assets/custom emojis. Add all of these emojis to your bot application in the discord developer portal.
The URL to add this bot is the following, replacing CLIENT_ID with the client ID of your bot:
Finally, you can start the bot with the following command:
npm start
In production, it is recommended to run it with pm2 so it auto-restarts on any errors:
npm run pm2
That's all!