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SQL Problems Collection

This repository is the log of my daily sql practice. I hope it can be of some help for you.


Each problem typically has four parts:

  1. Goal of Query
  2. Table Introduction
  3. Solution
  4. Summary

I would recommend you read the problem first, understand the tables and relationship between tables, and think about solutions first. My solution is a reference, and Summary is about my methods to solve the problem, my understanding of the SQL function use cases.

Happy Reading!


If you have any suggestions to the collections such as the format of sharing and better solution, I am happy to speak with you.

Email : [email protected]


Uber Prob 1: Count active drivers & Accepted rides by month

Problem Description & Tables

Write an SQL query to report the following statistics for each month of 2020:

The number of drivers currently with the Hopper company by the end of the month (active_drivers).
- The number of accepted rides in that month (accepted_rides).
- Return the result table ordered by month in ascending order, where month is the month's number (January is 1, February is 2, etc.).

Drivers table:
| driver_id | join_date  |
| 10        | 2019-12-10 |
| 8         | 2020-1-13  |
| 5         | 2020-2-16  |
| 7         | 2020-3-8   |
| 4         | 2020-5-17  |
| 1         | 2020-10-24 |
| 6         | 2021-1-5   |

Rides table:
| ride_id | user_id | requested_at |
| 6       | 75      | 2019-12-9    |
| 1       | 54      | 2020-2-9     |
| 10      | 63      | 2020-3-4     |
| 19      | 39      | 2020-4-6     |
| 3       | 41      | 2020-6-3     |
| 13      | 52      | 2020-6-22    |
| 7       | 69      | 2020-7-16    |
| 17      | 70      | 2020-8-25    |
| 20      | 81      | 2020-11-2    |
| 5       | 57      | 2020-11-9    |
| 2       | 42      | 2020-12-9    |
| 11      | 68      | 2021-1-11    |
| 15      | 32      | 2021-1-17    |
| 12      | 11      | 2021-1-19    |
| 14      | 18      | 2021-1-27    |

AcceptedRides table:
| ride_id | driver_id | ride_distance | ride_duration |
| 10      | 10        | 63            | 38            |
| 13      | 10        | 73            | 96            |
| 7       | 8         | 100           | 28            |
| 17      | 7         | 119           | 68            |
| 20      | 1         | 121           | 92            |
| 5       | 7         | 42            | 101           |
| 2       | 4         | 6             | 38            |
| 11      | 8         | 37            | 43            |
| 15      | 8         | 108           | 82            |
| 12      | 8         | 38            | 34            |
| 14      | 1         | 90            | 74            |

Result table:
| month | active_drivers | accepted_rides |
| 1     | 2              | 0              |
| 2     | 3              | 0              |
| 3     | 4              | 1              |
| 4     | 4              | 0              |
| 5     | 5              | 0              |
| 6     | 5              | 1              |
| 7     | 5              | 1              |
| 8     | 5              | 1              |
| 9     | 5              | 0              |
| 10    | 6              | 0              |
| 11    | 6              | 2              |
| 12    | 6              | 1              |

By the end of January --> two active drivers (10, 8) and no accepted rides.
By the end of February --> three active drivers (10, 8, 5) and no accepted rides.


    # REPORT 1) the num of active drivers by the end of each 2020 month
    #        2) the num of accepted rides in each 2020 month

    # A) create month column from 1 to 12
    WITH RECURSIVE month_col AS (SELECT 1 AS month
                                 UNION ALL 
                                 SELECT month + 1 FROM month_col WHERE month < 12),

    # B) count active drivers by month of 2020
    active_drivers AS (SELECT month, COUNT(driver_id) as active_drivers
                       FROM month_col m LEFT JOIN Drivers d
                     # count drivers number joined before each month of 2020
                       ON 202000 + m.month >= Date_format(join_date, "%Y%m")
                       GROUP BY month),

    # C) count accepted rides by month of 2020
    monthly_rides AS (SELECT MONTH(requested_at) AS month,
                      COUNT(ride_id) AS accepted_rides
                      FROM Rides JOIN acceptedRides USING (ride_id)
                      WHERE YEAR(requested_at) = '2020'
                      GROUP BY MONTH(requested_at))

    # report active_drivers, accepted_rides of each 2020 month
    SELECT ad.month,
           IFNULL(accepted_rides, 0) AS accepted_rides
    FROM active_drivers ad LEFT JOIN monthly_rides USING(month)


To calculate running sum, sometimes JOIN method is much better than the WINDOW function: Count + JOIN with a comparison condition + Group by

1 some months have no orders, so I create a full month column(from 1 to 12) with Recursive CTE for the final report
*2(challenging) count the num of active drivers by the end of each month. Join drivers registered before that month, then count:

SELECT month, COUNT(d.driver_id) AS active_driver
FROM month_col m JOIN Drivers d
ON 202000 + m.month >= DATE_FORMAT(d.join_date, "%Y%m")
GROUP BY month


SQL problems with solution & summary






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