A Photo Editor library with simple, easy support for image editing using paints,text,emoji and Sticker like in Instagram stories.
To start with this , you need to just simply add the gradle link your app module like this
dependencies {
implementation 'ja.burhanrashid52:photoeditor:0.0.5'
or your can also import the :photoeditor module from sample for customization
Minimum SDK version is supported till API 14
First you need to add PhotoEditorView
in your xml layout
app:src="@drawable/got" />
Your can define your drawable or color resource directly using app:src
Your can set the image programatically by getting source from PhotoEditorView
which will return a ImageView
so that you can load image from resources,file or (Picasso/Glide)
PhotoEditorView mPhotoEditorView = findViewById(R.id.photoEditorView);