This is a package SDK to create Python modules to conduct operations with the Kepware Configuration API.
The client libraries are supported on Python 3.6 or later. All HTTP communication is handled by the urllib Python standard library.
- Supports both HTTP and HTTPS connections with certificate validation options
SDK allows for GET, ADD, DELETE, and MODIFY functions for the following Kepware configuration objects:
- Project Properties (Get and Modify Only)
- Connectivity (Channel, Devices, Tags, Tag Groups)
- IoT Gateway (Agents, IoT Items)
Methods to read the following logs:
- Event Log
- API Transaction Log
Additionally the following Services are implemented:
- TagGeneration (not supported by all drivers)
- ReinitializeRuntime (Thingworx Kepware Edge and Kepware Server 6.8+)
- Other property configruation for more complex drivers are not explicitly defined
- Other supported plug-ins (Datalogger, Scheduler, etc) are not defined
- When using hostnames (not IP addresses) for connections, delays may occur under certain network configurations as the connection may attempt IPv6 connections first. IPv6 is not supported by Kepware servers at this time.
PIP packages can be found in the dist folder to install. Installation can be done manually using the following:
pip install kepconfig-<version>-py3-none-any.whl -f ./ --no-index
import kepconfig.connection
server = connection.server(host = '', port = 57412, user = 'Administrator', pw = '')
# For HTTPS connections:
server = connection.server(host = '', port = 57412, user = 'Administrator', pw = '', https=True)
For certificate validation, the SDK uses the OS/systems trusted CA certificate store. The connection leverages uses the "create_default_context()" function as part of urllib as described at the following links:
For Windows OSes, the Kepware server's instance certificate can be loaded into the hosts "Trusted Root Certificate Authorities" store.
Objects such as channels or devices can be created either sigularly or with children included.
from kepconfig.connectivity import channel
channel_data = {"common.ALLTYPES_NAME": "Channel1","servermain.MULTIPLE_TYPES_DEVICE_DRIVER": "Simulator"}
result = channel.add_channel(server,channel_data)
from kepconfig.connectivity import tag
tag_info = [
"common.ALLTYPES_NAME": "Temp",
"servermain.TAG_ADDRESS": "R0"
"common.ALLTYPES_NAME": "Temp2",
"servermain.TAG_ADDRESS": "R1"
tag_path = '{}.{}.{}'.format(ch_name, dev_name, tag_group_path)
result = tag.add_tag(server, tag_path, tag_info))