Please note that the below steps can be automated and optimized using a shell script.
chmod +x ./scripts/ && ./scripts/
First of all run a cockroach cluster locally
cockroach start-single-node --advertise-addr='localhost' --insecure
Run migrations
migrate -database "cockroachdb://root@localhost:26257/defaultdb?sslmode=disable" -path migrations up
Seed the initial data into database
cockroach sql --insecure < data/seed.sql
Run a temporal server locally
temporal server start-dev
Run the services in order.
bazel run //customers/cmd/serve:serve
bazel run //catalogue/cmd/serve:serve
bazel run //transactions/cmd/serve:serve
Example requests are in a file named requests.http.
Create docker images of the services
bazel run //customers/cmd/serve:image
bazel run //catalogue/cmd/serve:image
bazel run //transactions/cmd/serve:image
Start minikube
minikube start
Create cockroachdb
minikube kubectl -- create deployment cockroachdb --image=cockroachdb/cockroach:v23.1.8
Create temporal server
minikube kubectl -- create deployment temporal --image=temporalio/server:latest
Push ecommerce images to minikube (built in previous section)
minikube image load bazel/customers/cmd/serve:image
minikube image load bazel/catalogue/cmd/serve:image
minikube image load bazel/transactions/cmd/serve:image
Create deployments
minikube kubectl -- apply -f customers/deploy/deployment.yaml
minikube kubectl -- apply -f catalogue/deploy/deployment.yaml
minikube kubectl -- apply -f transactions/deploy/deployment.yaml
Create services
minikube kubectl -- apply -f customers/deploy/service.yaml
minikube kubectl -- apply -f catalogue/deploy/service.yaml
minikube kubectl -- apply -f transactions/deploy/service.yaml