Morpho extension that provides a high-level interface to the libcurl network transfer library. You can use this interface to fetch data from a URL in just a couple of lines of morpho code:
import curl
var data = Curl("").fetch()
You can fetch multiple URLs at once by providing a list or tuple:
var data = Curl(["", ""]).fetch()
The repository includes a number of examples. E.g. use curl to fetch a protein structure from the Protein databank:
var p2MVH = Curl("").fetch()
To install the program, ensure you have libcurl installed using:
brew install libcurl [macOS]
apt get libcurl-dev [ubuntu/WSL]
Clone this repository onto your computer in any convenient place:
git clone
and add the location of this repository to your .morphopackages file.
echo PACKAGEPATH >> ~/.morphopackages
where PACKAGEPATH is the location of the git repository.
You need to compile the extension, which you can do by cd'ing to the repository's base folder and typing
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make install
The package can then be loaded into morpho using the import
import curl