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BOF Vulnerability - Exploit Playground Welcome to the Buffer Overflow Playground, a dark corner of C programming where the buffer limits are pushed, and chaos reigns supreme. 👾 This example will show you how an innocent-looking program can be transformed into a security nightmare.
⚠ Warning 💀 For Hackers & Learners Only! Do not run this in production. Use it in a safe, isolated environment. If your laptop starts smoking, don't call us.💻
💣 Compilation To arm this vulnerable program with all its glorious flaws, compile it like this:
bash gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -o bof bof.c Flags explanation:
-fno-stack-protector: Disables the stack protector to allow stack smashing. -z execstack: Makes the stack executable (useful for shellcode).
🎯 Exploitation Run the binary and watch the fun unfold:
bash ./bof Enter a string longer than 20 characters to see what happens. Example:
Program prints garbage. 😵 Segmentation fault (core dumped). 💥 Your own custom shellcode executed (you wizard 🧙).