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Votetripling Extraction Script Instructions

This document describes how to use 5 different scripts for cleaning/aggregating vote tripling SMS data. Please find your use case below and follow the instructions.

SMS Aggregation

Use Case: I need to aggregate SMS messages by conversation. This step is necessary before performing any extraction on SMS data.

Inputs: Add a dataset to civis. This data should consist of raw individual SMS messages, not grouped by conversation. The columns needed will be specified within the R script below.

Instructions: Open the script aggregate_text_messages.R and follow the instructions in that script to aggregate messages into a single row per conversation

Outputs: A file (filename specified by you in the R script) with a single row representing each text message conversation, including the following fields

  • ConversationId a unique identifier for the conversation
  • contact_phone the phone number of the target
  • totalMessages the total number of messages exchanged
  • tripleMessage initial message sent from the text banker to the target
  • voterResponse initial response(s) by the target (generally where the target makes known if they opt out or want to triple)
  • tripleResponse follow up message sent from the text banker to the target
  • voterFinal the final follow up message sent by the target (generally where they provide names)
  • tripleFinal final follow up sent by text banker
  • voterPost post script from the target (generally a thank you or good luck)
  • noResponse boolean for whether there was no response
  • negResponse boolean for generally negative or discouraging terms (sorry, no, etc.)
  • posResponse boolean for generally positive or encouraging terms
  • affirmResponse boolean for presence of a scripted affirmation by text banker
  • finalAffirmResponse boolean for presence of a scripted follow up affirmation by text banker

SMS Conversation Categorization and Name Extraction

Use Case: I have SMS conversations and I need to figure out which text recipiants volunteered to triple, which chose to opt out, what names they provided, and whether they moved.

Inputs: First follow the instructions above in the SMS Aggregation section. The output of that step will provide a dataset which will be used as input here.

Instructions: In the Pledge Cleaning Scripts project, run the container script titled 2. Pledges from SMS Transcripts. Provide the name of your input dataset and the names of your output datasets (including schema names) as parameters.

Outputs: This script will output two datasets:

  1. A file of triplers called sms_triplers. For each tripler, we provide the following fields (each row represents one text message conversation):
  • ConversationId a unique identifier for the conversation
  • contact_phone the phone number of the target
  • is_tripler did this person agree to be a tripler ('yes' for everyone in this file)
  • opted_out did this person opt out of future messages
  • wrong_number did we have the wrong number for this person
  • names_extract what names (if any) were provided by this person as tripling targets
  1. A file of conversations for manual review called sms_manual_review, with the following fields:
  • ConversationId a unique identifier for the conversation
  • contact_phone the phone number of the target
  • voterResponse initial response(s) by the target (generally where the target makes known if they opt out or want to triple)
  • voterFinal the final follow up message sent by the target (generally where they provide names)
  • voterPost post script from the target (generally a thank you or good luck)
  • is_tripler guess for did this person agree to be a tripler (to be reviewed)
  • opted_out guess for did this person opt out of future messages (to be reviewed)
  • wrong_number guess for did we have the wrong number for this person (to be reviewed)
  • names_extract guess for what names (if any) were provided by this person as tripling targets (to be reviewed)

Text Banker Log Cleaning

Use Case: I have text banker logs for names provided by vote triplers. I need these logs cleaned up and standardized.

Inputs: Add a dataset to civis containing the column 'names' containing the names of tripler targets logged by a text banker from SMS conversations.

Instructions: In the Pledge Cleaning Scripts project, run the container script titled 3. Pledges from Generic Volunteer Data Entry.. Provide the name of your input dataset and the names of your output dataset (including schema names) as parameters.

Outputs: A dataset named labeled_names_cleaned_no_response with the cleaned names in a column titles "clean_names", along with any other columns in the initial file

Text Banker Log Cleaning (utilizing text message conversation)

Use Case: I have text banker logs for names provided by vote triplers. I also have access to the initial text conversation. I need these logs cleaned up and standardized. We use a different script for these cases, because we can clean up the logs better and perform spell check by looking at the original messages.

Inputs: First follow the instructions above in the SMS Aggregation section. The output of that step will provide a dataset which will be used as input here.
Next join text banker logs to each conversation by your conversation id. Preserve all of the columns in the aggregated dataset and make sure that the text banker logs are in a column titled 'names'.

Instructions: In the Pledge Cleaning Scripts project, run the container script titled 4. Pledges from Generic Volunteer Data Entry and SMS Transcript. Provide the name of your input dataset and the names of your output dataset (including schema names) as parameters.

Outputs: A dataset named labeled_names_cleaned_with_response with the cleaned names in a column titles "clean_names", along with any other columns in the initial file

VAN Export Cleaning

Use Case: I have a VAN Export and I need to extract any tripling target names from the note text.

Inputs: Add a dataset to civis containing the following columns:

  • VANID a unique ID for this row
  • ContactName the name of the tripler
  • NoteText free text possibly including names of tripling targets

Instructions: In the Pledge Cleaning Scripts project, run the container script titled 5. Pledges from VAN Comments. Provide the name of your input dataset and the names of your output dataset (including schema names) as parameters.

Outputs: This script will output two datasets:

  1. A file of triplers called van_cleaned. For each tripler, we provide the following fields (each row represents one text message conversation):
  • VANID a unique identifier for the conversation
  • names_extract the extracted names
  1. A file of conversations for manual review called van_manual_review, with the following fields:
  • VANID a unique identifier for the conversation
  • ContactName a unique identifier for the conversation
  • NoteText free text possibly including names of tripling targets
  • names_extract a guess for the extracted names (to be reviewed)


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