This is the code for my automatic cat feeder, made using ESPHome and with inspiration from various other projects online.
- Wood
- 2 x Pipe Holder bracket (for holding the dispenser)
- Drain Valve (I used one made for bathtubs, and sawed out the metal grate)
- Curved pipe (regular drainage pipe piece, found in builder merchants)
- 12V 2A DC Power Supply
- DC Plug + Screw Terminal
- Breadboard
- 100 uF - 16V Capacitor
- WeMos D1 Mini Pro NodeMcu
- NEMA17 Stepper Motor 42BYGHW811
- L298N Stepper Motor controller
- Shaft Coupler / Flexible Coupling
- Dry-Food Dispenser
- VL53L0X Time-of-Flight Module