Android application written for the initial CareAxiom Test.
A single view application that should load data from the given API everytime the app starts. Data should be saved offline. All the data should be displayed in tabular form and should grouped by the album id.
- Kotlin
- Glide for images
- OkHttp Interceptor for saving API response
- Retrofit + RXAndroid
- OKHttp
- Glide
- Gson
- Dagger2
- Paging library (Jetpack)
Most of the application's dependencies are provided using Dagger2 to follow no initialisation inside the class rule. For Pagination, Paging library from android jetpack is used. Group by album id is done inside the Data Source class of paging library.
For reloading data in case of failure, RXJava's completable is used inside paging by saving afterLoad response inside an action and later executed when reload is pressed.
For saving the API response,OKHttp's interceptor is used. Images are cached using Glide with CacheStrategy.DISK .
This approach is not a silver bullet for different type of APIs. For example , if there's an issue with the response, it can cache something problematic which may causes crashes in the app. Server may remove the cache-control from backend or add Pragma: no-cache. This approach was the simplest one as we have a time constraint of around two hours.
A better approach would be using BoundaryCallback with paging library and Room.
- Nexus 6P (8.0)
- 3 hours approx.
I have used physical device Nexus 6P for testing the app. Please consider running on a physical device.
I haven't written unit tests using dagger in kotlin lately, so i might require some more time for mocking PagedList and Dagger dependencies.
Please feel free to contact me in case of any query or if another task is needed to be done in the initial assessment phase.
Email: [email protected] Phone: 0321-6726236
Thank you :)