Javanese Programming Language is a new programming language, easy to learn, using Jawa/Javanese language
npm install -g javanese-language
// run
javanese example/example1.javanese
Example :
nyetel umur iku 13
yen(umur ndhuwur utawa padha karo 18) nuduhake teks "Akses ditampa"
yen ora nuduhake teks "Akses ditolak"
Some synrax are just like javascript, the difference is the keywords and the javanese-script language will be translated to javascript and run as javascript, this is just for fun :D
Assign variable
nyetel foo iku "bar"
// let foo = "bar"
Reassign variable
ganti foo dadi "Hello World"
// foo = "Hello World"
nyetel foo iku nggih
// let foo = true
nyetel bar dadi ora
// let bar = false
nuduhake teks "Hello world"
// console.log("Hello world")
nuduhake teks foo
// console.log(foo)
yen(foo padha karo "Hello world")
nuduhake teks "Hello"
// transform to
if(foo == "Hello world"){
yen(foo ndhuwur 3)
nuduhake teks "its bigger than 3"
utawa(fo padha karo 3)
nuduhake teks "foo is 3"
yen ora
nuduhake teks "its smaller than 3"
// transform to
if(foo > 3){
console.log("its bigger than 3")
} else if (foo == 3) {
console.log("foo is 3")
} else {
console.log("its smaller than 3")
Comparison :
padha karo
: ' == ',ndhuwur
: ' > ',ngisor
: ' < ',luwih gedhe utawa padha karo
: ' >= ',kurang saka utawa padha karo
: ' <= '
baleni(i saka 1 nganti 10)
yen(i ndhuwur 3)
nuduhake teks "loop " + i
// transform to
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if(i > 3) {
console.log("loop " + i)
fungsi hello(name)
nuduhake teks "Hello " + name
ngasilaken nggih
mbukak hello args "john"
// transform to
function hello(name) {
console.log("Hello " + name)
return true
nuduhake teks "Something wrong"
uncal new Error("Error message")
nuduhake teks "Catch error"
nuduhake teks "finish finally"
// transform to
try {
console.log("Something wrong");
throw new Error("Error message");
} catch {
console.log("Catch error");
} finally {
console.log("finish finally");
This project is just for fun