- Digital Driver's License: Verification-Controller
To load the application properties set the environment variable for spring to dev
To successfully start the application, several environment variables have to be defined.
Find those placeholders in application-dev.yml
and replace them:
API key of the verification controller (Example:0pen$3s4meC0ntroller
Endpoint of the verification controller (Example:https://2192847001ad.ngrok.io
Enable or disable hardware binding validation (true|false
Api-Key for the agent (Example:0pen$3s4meAgent
Api-Url of the admin url (Example:localhost:10080
DDL agent verkey, in this case for the seed000...DDL
; to be retrieved viaafter the DDL agent has been startedcURL -X GET "http://localhost:10080/wallet/did" -H "accept: application/json" -H "X-Api-Key: <VERIFICATIONCONTROLLER_AGENT_APIKEY>" | jq ".results[0]" | jq ".verkey" | sed 's/"//g'
DDL agent endpoint URL / IP (Example:localhost:10000
DDL agent endpoint name (shown to credential holders in the Proof Request presentation dialog in the ID Wallet app). (Example:Big Corporate
Comma separated credential definitions (Example:XnGEZ7gJxDNfxwnZpkkVcs:3:CL:988:Digitaler Führerschein
Navigate to src/main/docker/
and rename .env-default
file to .env
This file is used by Docker to set all required environment variables for the Docker containers.
Verify Agent (ACA-Py)
: URL of the genesis file the agent uses (Example:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/My-DIGI-ID/Ledger-Genesis-Files/main/Test/pool_transactions_genesis
: Key to generate the wallet with and to unlock the wallet (Example: Random number)VERIFY_AGENT_API_KEY
: Secures all requests to ACA-Py (used inx-api-key
header) (Example: Random number)VERIFY_AGENT_WEBHOOK_API_KEY
: Send from ACA-Py inx-api-key
header to the client application endpoints (Example:0pen$3s4meWebhook
: The IP-Address of the system, the controller runs on
: Mongodb username (defaults toadmin123
: Mongodb password (defaults topass123
Important Replace the placeholders in the MongoDB init file in
with the correct values, otherwise, MongoDB will not be initialized and the connection will fail:var db = connect("[...]
db.createUser( { user: <user>, pwd: <password>, [...]
Replace the placeholder for the MongoDB connection in
:data: mongodb: uri: mongodb://<user>:<password>@localhost:27018/?authSource=VerificationController
To start your application in the dev profile, open the terminal, navigate to the verification-controller
folder and
run the following commands:
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/agent-mongodb.yml up -d
The first step will deploy a MongoDB instance. The second step will deploy the application.
If the container doesn't start, or you want to recreate all containers, try
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/agent-mongodb.yml down -v --remove-orphans
and rebuild the containers with
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/agent-mongodb.yml up
Sonar is used to analyze code quality.
- Start a local Sonar server
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/sonar.yml up -d
- Log on to http://localhost:9001 with default credentials
- Create a new empty project called
- Follow the wizard instructions, copy the maven command at the end to perform the analysis
You can run a Sonar analysis by using the sonar-scanner or by using the Maven plugin.
- Run a Sonar analysis
Note: To re-run the Sonar phase, make sure to specify the
./mvnw -Pprod clean verify sonar:sonar
phase to load the essential Sonar properties from thesonar-project.properties
file../mvnw initialize sonar:sonar
- Access the results on http://localhost:9001/dashboard?id=VerificationController
Swagger UI can be accessed using this URL: http://localhost:8090/swagger-ui/index.html
Note: The API key can be configured in src/main/resources/config/application-dev.yml
(application properties) file which
can be used to interact with the API.
There is a database init script mongo-init.js
located in src/main/docker/mongodb/
which connects to the MongoDB on
port 27017. The script creates an admin user with username admin123
and password pass123
(It is highly recommended to replace the default values)..
After the connection was established successful, a new user is created:
username: user123
password: 123pass
You can use this user to connect to the database with your favorite MongoDB access tool. We recommend using AdminMongo (see next chapter).
- localhost:8092
- Connection-Name: Verification Controller
- Connection-String: mongodb://user123:123pass@ddl-mongodb:27017/VerificationController?authSource=VerificationController
- Open
in a browser - Add the details shown above and click
Add connection
- After a page reload the connection is shown. Click connect to open the details view
- You can see all tables and the data
- When you select the verifier (jhi_verifier) table you can see the initial verifier stored by our init script
The database is initialized with a demo verifier with the following values:
name: demo
password: $2y$10$AW0Zit2JNBcTI0UDpPmc4OM72nm86AyvoOfV7GJOP4iropj9IuyVS
The password in plain text is secure
. When you try to interact with the API endpoints use the plain value in
To create a new verifier you have to create a password hash with bcrypt with a strength factor of 12 Password length may not be greater than 72 bytes because that the maxim password length bcrypt supports only
You can use any online bcrypt password generator, e.g. https://www.appdevtools.com/bcrypt-generator
As mentioned above all endpoints are documented via swagger on http://localhost:8090/swagger-ui/index.html
Currently, there are three different security mechanisms for these endpoints:
: No Authentication/topic/present_proof
: The X-AUTH-HEADER is checked against the value configured in theapplication-dev.yml
: All requests to any other routes have to include a value in theX-AUTH-HEADER
which matches the api-key of a verifier stored in the database (remember they are hashed in the database so don`t use the hash in the header, use the plan value instead)
To test the whole application with your mobile phone you need to make sure the following prerequisites are met:
- You have the ID Wallet app installed on your mobile device
- All containers are running without any errors
- You have a tool like ngrok installed on your system (https://ngrok.com/). You can use any other tool which provides the same functionality but this how-to uses ngrok. See the docs of your favorite tools on how to use it
Make sure the correct IP Address of your PC in /src/main/docker/.env
Open three terminals and navigate to the folder ngrok is located in each instance of your shell (e.g. Ngrok is in C:\dev\ngrok navigate with cd C:\dev\ngrok
.\ngrok.exe http 8090
.\ngrok.exe http 10000
.\ngrok.exe http 10080
When the application runs with dev profile there is demo website where you can generate a QR-Code to scan with your Wallet-ID App. To open this page, navigate to http://localhost:8090/demo/
Ngrok now creates three public endpoints which are tunneled to your local endpoints
If you currently do not have a service that can accept the request made to the callback URL, you could use a service such as https://webhook.site
Here you can create a temporary endpoint which you can use as a callback URL. Just paste the URL in the demo page here:
When everything is working you should see a request made by the application after you scanned the QR Code
You can use the plugin dependency-check
to check if the used dependencies are out of date or have some kind of
security issue.
You can find a tutorial on how to use the plugin on the official website: https://jeremylong.github.io/DependencyCheck/dependency-check-maven/
This section covers common topics to consider for operating this component in a pilot or production environment.
Perform regular dependency checks and update libraries as soon as they become deprecated or disclose vulnerabilities. Integrate dependency checking tools into your automated DevOps pipeline (e.g. OWASP Dependency-Check).
Perform regular penetration tests, especially when operating this component outside of your local or company-internal network.
The principle of least privilege defines that all stakeholders must be restricted to access functions, data files, URLs, controllers, services, and other resources, for which they possess specific authorization. This implies protection against spoofing and elevation of privilege. Access to sensitive records is restricted, such that only authorized objects or data is accessible to each user (for example, protect against users tampering with a parameter to see or alter another user's account). If the application is multi-tenant, this segregation of users and access must be verified. The application must use strong random anti-CSRF tokens or has another transaction protection mechanism.
Follow the recommendations from BSI TR-02102 Cryptographic Mechanisms
Verify, that all connections to applications that contain customer information or functions are authenticated.
Calls to the application need to have an API key set in X-API-Key header otherwise the request is rejected with 401 (Unauthorized).
Follow common hardening best practices such as Patching, Error management, Logging, Monitoring, Backup.
Implement Sealed Secrets or similar techniques for keeping infrastructure passwords and API keys safe.
Error: javax.management.beanserver: Exception calling isInstanceOf java.lang.ClassNotFoundException...
- Remove the .m2 folder in your user directory and rebuild with