This application is an assistant for your daily tasks.
You can add, delete your tasks, change their name, and sort them.
- React
- Hooks (useMemo, useState, useRef, useEffect), custom hooks (useLocalStorage, useTodos)
- Typescript
- React Router (NavLink, HashRouter)
- CSS, classNames utility
- localStorage
- At the beginning, you are greeted by a beautiful design without unnecessary elements.
- In order to add a todo, you just need to start typing and press "Enter".
- After pressing the "Enter" button, your first todo will be added, and you will also have a beautiful design with great functionality.
- You can easily change the status of your todo to "Completed" or "Active" by clicking one button.
- Also, you can mark everything as "Completed" or "Active" by clicking the appropriate button.
- You can easily delete your todos by clicking on the delete button (X) next to the todo or by clicking "Clear completed" to delete all completed todos.
- You can easily switch between "Active", "Completed" or "All" todos.
- If you make a mistake in writing a todo, you can double-click on it with the left mouse button and change it (for changes to be applied, you need to press "Enter" or click on an empty area of the page).
- Also, if you have an empty field when changing the todo, it will be deleted. Use the "Escape" button to cancel changes.