A simple web-application that supports authentication, registration and other CRUD operations.
- registration like a driver;
- authentication like a driver;
- create/update/remove a manufacturer;
- create/update/remove a car;
- create/update a driver;
- display list of all manufacturers;
- display list of all cars;
- display list of all drivers;
- add driver to car.
- DAO - Data access layer - here you can see all logic to work with DB
- Service - Application logic layer
- Controllers - Presentation layer
- Java (JDK 11)
- Apache Maven
- Apache Tomcat
- Javax Servlet
- JSP and JSTL
- Checkstyle plugin
- Clone the repo from here;
- Install MySQL;
- Configure Apache Tomcat version: 9.0.71;
- Copy and run SQL script /src/main/resources/init_db.sql to creating a schema and tables for the project;
- Configure /src/main/java/taxi/util/ConnectionUtil.java with your URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD, JDBC_DRIVER;
- Now the application is ready to use!
- I hope this app will be helpful for you!