Three Repos for the Debian-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Centos-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Web doomed to die,
One for the Dark Linus on his dark throne
In the Land of Docker where the Scripts lie.
One Repo to rule them all, One Repo to find them,
One Repo to bring them all, and in the dankness bind them,
In the Land of Docker where the Scripts lie.
docker login
cd medium
docker build --no-cache -t myrostadler/medium:0.0.0 -t myrostadler/medium:latest .
docker push myrostadler/medium:0.0.0 && docker push myrostadler/medium:latest
TODO: automate tests
- Have your local development environment set up so you know how to hit the docker container.
The setup I have on MacOS is having docker, docker-compose, and docker-machine installed via homebrew.
So to get the container IP I issue the command
docker-machine ip
(this is different in other docker provisioners e.g. Docker Desktop for Mac / Windows). I have an entry in/etc/hosts
that binds this IP to http://localhost.docker so I can use that canonical URL to view whatever I've spun up.
- Tests are in the
directory, in subdirectories with the same name as the directory of the container under test - The containers will bind to ports 80 and 443 directly
- Docker-compose is used to spin up tests, since the intention is to use docker-compose during dev where the real-world applications of these tests are implemented
cd ubupache
docker-compose up -d
http://localhost.docker/test.html - test page is served
http://localhost.docker/test.php - test PHP is interpreted
http://localhost.docker/phpinfo.php - verify PHP version
docker-compose down