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Brian Manlove edited this page Jul 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the chartserver wiki!

Installation - Requires node js and npm

  1. clone the project to your desired folder
  2. change directory to the cloned project folder
  3. enter npm install
  4. copy any of your desired mbtiles databases to the folder /chartserver/public/data
  5. from the chartserver folder, launch the server with the terminal command node server
  6. open a browser window and enter localhost:8500

The server will automatically pick up any db files in the data folder. Click on the web map menu icon to see all of chartserver's options: mapmenu



To integrate chartserver with a Stratux ADSB receiver, change the setting usestratux value to true, and verify the Stratux IP address if you are not using its default address of

If you are integrating with Stratux and want your position recorded to a database, set savepositionhistory to true. The server will save latitude, longitude, heading, speed, and altitude to the positionhistory database.

If desired you can change the default distanceunit of statute miles sm to nautical miles nm or kilometers km

If desired you can change the default http and winsock ports of 8500 and 8550 to your choice.

In general, true/false values can be set as desired but urls, winsock ws// addresses, and messagetypes should definitely not be edited. Do so at your own risk!

    "savepositionhistory": false,
    "histintervalmsec": 15000,
    "gpsintervalmsec": 1000,
    "wxupdateintervalmsec": 480000,
    "keepaliveintervalmsec": 30000,
    "httpport": 8500,
    "wsport": 8550,
    "startupzoom": 8,
    "useOSMonlinemap": true,
    "debug": false,
    "historyDb": "positionhistory.db",
    "uselocaltime": true,
    "distanceunit": "sm", 
    "usestratux": false,
    "stratuxip": "",
    "stratuxsituationws": "ws://[stratuxip]/situation",
    "stratuxtrafficws": "ws://[stratuxip]/traffic",
    "animatedwxurl": "",
    "addswxurl": "",
    "addscurrentxmlurl": "",
    "showattribution": true,
    "lockownshiptocenter": true,
    "ownshipimage": "airplane.png",
    "trafficimage": "red-yellow-traffic.png",
    "usemetricunits": false,
    "distanceunits": {
        "kilometers": "km",
        "nauticalmiles": "nm",
        "statutemiles": "sm"
    "messagetypes": {
        "metars": {
            "type": "metars",
            "token": "###"
        "tafs": {
            "type": "tafs",
            "token": "###"
        "pireps": {
            "type": "aircraftreports",
            "token": "###"
        "airports": {
            "type": "airports",
            "token": ""
        "keepalive": {
            "type": "keepalive",
            "token": "((💜))"