1533 commits
to develop
since this release
Changelog v0.6.0
🎉 Features
- Add discovery: Monitoring Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide Emissions (#130)
- UI: Add support for multiple polygons in the AOI tool (NASA-IMPACT/veda-ui#423)
- UI: Add analysis history selector (NASA-IMPACT/veda-ui#385)
- UI: Move thematic about content to welcome page (NASA-IMPACT/veda-ui#414)
- UI: Add initial version of notebook connect widget (NASA-IMPACT/veda-architecture#174, NASA-IMPACT/veda-ui#450)
🚀 Improvements
- UI: Show analysis chart dots only on hover (NASA-IMPACT/veda-ui#413)
- UI: Update homepage content (NASA-IMPACT/veda-ui#420, NASA-IMPACT/veda-ui#338)
- UI: Include additional data on analysis page chart (NASA-IMPACT/veda-ui#384)
- UI: Improve AOI drawing tool behavior (vertex delete)
- UI: Improve chart brush behavior
- UI: Improve date position on scrollytelling maps
- UI: Improve build system errors
- Contents: Put a link to 2i2c deployed hubs instead of SMCE hubs for No2 data usage (#195)
🐛 Fixes
- Fix documentation error (#191)
- UI: Fix config path for content test