This application is to allow users to create PRs in veda-data to ingest data.
The latest Playwright test report is published after each merge to main
. This provides screenshots and descriptions of features in the veda-ingest-ui.
It leverages the Next.js and the react-jsonschema-form to create a React form component based on the JSON Schema for the data ingestion.
The styling of the form uses the ant design React Framework for components.
Accessing the Github API is done through the @octokit/rest GitHub REST API client for JavaScript.
Deployment is handled by AWS Amplify
The application is designed to allow users to create and edit PRs in the veda-data repository.New PRs are created with a prefix of 'Ingest Request for [collectionName]'
. The branch name and file name of the json for these new PRs is set by the Collection Name field in the form after any non-alphanumeric characters are removed from the collection name:
const fileName = 'ingestion-data/staging/dataset-config/${collectionName}.json`;
const branchName = `feat/${collectionName}`;
All API calls require users to be authenticated via AWS Cognito. The API then obtains a github token and makes the desired calls with the github token.
Users are allowed to edit PRs starting with the prefix 'Ingest Request for '
. It is assumed that all PRs will have the appropriate json file in the standard filepath. The existing values in the json will be loaded into a form. A user can update those values and a new commit will be added to the PR with the new values.
To set up the development environment for this website, you'll need to install the following on your system:
- Node (see version in .nvmrc) (To manage multiple node versions we recommend nvm)
- Yarn Package manager
If you use nvm
, activate the desired Node version:
Install Node + package manager this repo depends on.
nvm install
npm -g install yarn
Then install project dependencies by running the yarn install.
yarn install
Configuration is done using .env.
Copy the .env.example
to .env
to add your configuration variables.
These variables should also be set in AWS Amplify for the deployment.
cp .env.example .env
A Github access to the veda-data repo is handled by installing the veda-ingest-api app in the veda-data repo's settings and saving the following values as environment variables:
To preview the app use:
yarn dev
This will start the app and make it available at http://localhost:3000/.
To bypass the cognito login, set the NEXT_PUBLIC_DISABLE_AUTH
environment variable to true. This variable is als leveraged for Playwright testing.
The fields in the Validation Form are configured by a combination of the json schema in the jsonschema.json file and the UI Schema in the uischema.json file. To modify fields in the form, a developer must update the json schema to include the proper JSON schema data fields and then modify the ui Schema to have any new or renamed fields in the desired location.
The Form uses a 24 column grid format and the layout of each row is dictated by the "ui:grid" array in that json. Each row is defined as an object with each field allowed up to 24 columns wide. For example:
"ui:grid": [
"collection": 4,
"title": 4,
"license": 4,
"description": 12
the new first row has 4 fields with a combined width of 24. Nested objects in the field can be defined with their own grid. For example,
"spatial_extent": {
"ui:grid": [
"xmin": 12,
"ymin": 12
"xmax": 12,
"ymax": 12
To set up a Cognito App Client for login, visit the AWS Cognito dashboard:
- Select your desired User Pool
- Copy the
User pool ID
from the top of the Overview page for that User Pool and save it as theNEXT_PUBLIC_USER_POOL_ID
env variable - From the left sidebar, select "App clients".
- Create a new app client with the
Single-page application (SPA)
Application type. - For allowed callback URLs, enter
- copy the
Client ID
env variable.
To allow the veda-ingest-ui to open PRs in a repo, a Github app must be installed on the destination repo and several environment variables are needed from that Github app installation. Follow the Installing your own GitHub App guide from github to get started:
- Uncheck the "Active" checkbox under webhook.
No webhook is required.
- Ensure the app has
Read and Write
permissions toContents
andPull Requests
. - Create and save a Private Key to place in your env variables.
- Copy the
App ID
andClient ID
from the new github app's overview. - Copy the Installation ID from the repo's list of Installed GitHub Apps. The Installation ID is found in the URL for that application. For example,[Installation ID]