A website for NCCC170, the North Central Coordinating Committee.
The code for the website is located in a github repository. If you are looking to add content, please take a look at the content/ folder.
If you would like to add/update content and are familiar with git/github, please use a pull request. If you are uncomfortable making a pull request, then feel free to email Jarad Niemi.
If you are interested in co-administering the website, e.g. updating your own content without having to go through me, I can add you as a collaborator on the github repository.
Below there is information about how to add or update content including people, publications, meetings, and proposals. Ideally, NCCC170 members would use a pull request through the Github repository for this website. If you are uncomfortable making a pull request, then feel free to email Jarad Niemi.
Individuals associated with NCCC170 can have a profile on this website. These profiles live in the authors/ folder.
It's now easy to make a profile, as Aaron Rendahl has automated the process; all you need to do now is to fill out a line in a spreadsheet and upload a profile picture. Access to this spreadsheet is limited, you will receive a link by email. Email Aaron at [email protected] to request access.
In the Google Drive folder, you'll find a spreadsheet named NCCC170 Participant Info; there's one row for each of you. To have a profile on the website, give yourself a code (all lowercase, usually "firstlast") and fill out the columns that you want included in your profile.
Title, Affiliation, and a profile photo are most helpful; there's also places for your education, interests, and links to profiles on other sites. For some of the fields, you'll use a semicolon to separate the parts; see Jarad's row for an example. Other fields are possible too but are not automated yet; if you want to include other information let me know. Also check that your name is how you want it to be presented.
Then in the Profile Photos folder, drop a profile photo named ".jpg" (it only works with jpgs right now). It should be square, but don't worry about optimizing for resolution or file size, that is automatically done when the site is built. I can also crop it for you if need be.
That's it! Email Aaron at [email protected] when you're done and he will make your profile.
We would like to include past members who are now retired, so if that describes you, please contribute as well. We've made a guess about this in the "retired?" column.
To add a paper, copy a folder in the publication/ folder. Name the folder using the title of the manuscript but using only letters, numbers, and underscores. Edit files within this folder as necessary.
Annual meetings are currently added by the website co-administrator, Aaron Rendahl.
These are automatically generated from a "meeting.txt" file within each year's folder. Do not edit markdown files or add manually to these folders; instead add or edit the "meeting.txt" file and run "build_meetings.R" to generate the markdown.
Proposals are added by the website administrator, currently Jarad Niemi.
To add the annual meeting, copy a folder in the
proposals/ folder.
Name the folder using the year.
Edit files within this folder as necessary.