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Resources for Researchers Prototype Importer


  • Node 8

Running loader

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a local.json file in the <importer_root>/config directory following the configuration information below. The system uses node-config for managing configurations. More information regarding the format and options can be found at
  3. Run node index.js

Configuration Information

The configuration file is based on the library. For the R4R Loader we have implemented the following pipeline steps:


  • GithubResourceSource - This class pulls the content from a Github Repository
    • Input: N/A
    • Output: This returns an array of the fetched documents in git.
    • Configuration:
      • repoUrl : (required) The git repo where the content resides.
      • resourcesPath: (required) The path within the repo to the resources.
      • branchName : (default: master) The branch to use.
      • authentication : (optional) Git authentication configuration. We use token authentication (See If no authentication is defined, then the source will use the public API, which has rate-limits based on IP source address.


  • NetlifyMDResourceTransformer - Transforms documents in Markdown with YML Front-matter format conforming to the r4r-content schema ( the
    • Input: An array of documents that follow the r4r-content schema
    • Output: A single record in a format expected by the ElasticResourceLoader
    • Configuration:
      • mappingUrls - (required) An object that contains the following properties:
        • docs - (required) The URL to the docs taxonomy
        • researchAreas - (required) The URL to the research areas taxonomy
        • researchTypes - (required) The URL to the research types taxonomy
        • toolTypes - (required) The URL to the tool types taxonomy


  • ElasticResourceLoader - Loads all records into an Elasticsearch index matching the format of <aliasName>_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS. Upon successful completion
    • Input: Documents in a format matching the elasticsearch mapping
    • Output: N/A
    • Configuration:
      • eshosts - (required) An array of elasticsearch host URIs. This should include the protocal, username (if needed), password (if needed), port.
      • daysToKeep - (required) The number of days to keep indices for
      • aliasName - (required) The Elasticsearch alias for the most recent index. This is also the prefix for the timestamped index
      • mappingPath - (required) The index mapping configuration in JSON
      • settingsPath - (required) The index settings configuration in JSON.


Setup for Development

  1. Install Jest globally npm install -g jest
  2. Setup local npm install
  3. For VSCode development
    1. Install Coverage Gutters extension
    2. Install Jest extension
  4. Setup a local configuration
    1. create a local.json file in the <importer_root>/config directory
    2. This file is used to override the default.json options and should look something like:
    "logging": {
        "level": "debug"
    "pipeline": {
        "source": {
            "module": "./lib/sources/github-resource-source",
            "config": {
                "repoUrl": "",
                "resourcesPath": "/resources",
                "branchName": "<YOUR_BRANCH>",
                "authentication": {
                    "type": "token",
                    "token": "<YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>"
        "loader": {
            "module": "lib/loaders/elastic-resource-loader",
            "config": {
               "eshosts": [ "<THE REAL DEV SERVER>" ],
               //"eshosts": [ "http://localhost:9200" ],
               "daysToKeep": 10,
               "aliasName": "r4r_v1",
               "mappingPath": "es-mappings/mappings.json",
               "settingsPath": "es-mappings/settings.json"

To run tests

npm test

To see code coverage

  1. Run tests (this generates the code coverage file used by Coverage Gutters) npm test
  2. Select a JS file under lib and click the add watch in the bottom bar
  3. When asked for the coverage info:
  4. Select /coverage/ See for more information.