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Merge pull request #155 from NOAA-EDAB/dev_branch
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NEUS V2.0.1
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andybeet authored Apr 26, 2022
2 parents af835e3 + 24773ff commit 2537259
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Showing 57 changed files with 63,947 additions and 40,618 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Geometry/NEUSlookup.csv
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
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165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions R/GLORYS/call_make_GLORYS_files_extraction.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
# Wrapper script to fully process GLORYS data
# A) make GLORYS Atlantis Format (make_GLORYS_files) 1993-2017
# B) make transport files w/ hydroconstruct (make_force_annual) 1993-2017
# C) make tempsalt files using alternative method (make_force_statevar) 1993-2017
# D) create spinup forcing w/ alternative tempsalt and hydroconstruct transport (make_force_spinup) 1964-1992

glorys.dir = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GLORYS/'
glorys.atl.dir = paste0(glorys.dir,'Atlantis_Format/')
obs.dir = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/Atlantis/Obs_Hindcast/'
final.force.dir = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/Atlantis/Obs_Hindcast/Forcing_Files/Annual_Output/'
git.force.dir = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GitHub/neus-atlantis/currentVersion/tsfiles/Annual_Files/'

# A) Make GLORYS Atlantis Format (make_GLORYS_files) 1993-2017 ------------

dir.names = 1993:2018

for(yr in 1:length(dir.names)){

# Set from and to directories
in.dir = paste0(glorys.dir,'Data/',dir.names[yr],'/')
out.dir = paste0(glorys.dir,'Atlantis_Format/',dir.names[yr],'/')
in.files = list.files(in.dir,paste0('GLORYS_REANALYSIS_*'),full.names = F)

glorys.dir = in.dir,
glorys.prefix = paste0('GLORYS_REANALYSIS_*'),
glorys.files = in.files,
out.dir = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GLORYS/Summary/NEUS_level_alt/',
dz.file = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GitHub/neus-atlantis/Geometry/dz.csv',
bgm.file = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GitHub/neus-atlantis/Geometry/neus_tmerc_RM2.bgm',
bgm.ll.file = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GitHub/neus-atlantis/Geometry/neus_ll_WGS84.bgm',
shp.file = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GitHub/neus-atlantis/Geometry/gis/Neus_ll_0p01.shp',
name.out = 'GLORYS_Atlantis_',
make.hflux = F,
make.physvars = T
print(paste0('################## ',yr,' #################'))

for(yr in 1:length(dir.names)){

# Set from and to directories
in.dir = paste0(glorys.dir,'Data/',dir.names[yr],'/')
in.files = list.files(in.dir,paste0('GLORYS_REANALYSIS_*'),full.names = F)

glorys.dir = in.dir,
glorys.prefix = paste0('GLORYS_REANALYSIS_*'),
glorys.files = in.files,
out.dir = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GLORYS/Summary/NEUS_level_hflux/',
dz.file = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GitHub/neus-atlantis/Geometry/dz.csv',
bgm.file = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GitHub/neus-atlantis/Geometry/neus_tmerc_RM2.bgm',
bgm.ll.file = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GitHub/neus-atlantis/Geometry/neus_ll_WGS84.bgm',
shp.file = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GitHub/neus-atlantis/Geometry/gis/Neus_ll_0p01.shp',
name.out = 'GLORYS_Atlantis_',
make.hflux = T,
make.physvars = F
print(paste0('################## ',yr,' #################'))

# # B) run append_vflux from ECCO -------------------------------------------
# #moves statevar files from glorys.atl.dir to Obs_Hindcast/statevars/
# source(here::here('R','ECCO','append_vflux.R'))
# #STOP run 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/Atlantis/Obs_Hindcast/
# # C) Make transport files w/ hydroconstruct (make_force_annual) 19 --------
# source(here::here('R','synch_force_time.R'))
# source(here::here('R','make_force_annual.R'))
# # D) make tempsalt files using alternative method (make_force_statevar)--------
# source(here::here('R','make_force_statevar.R'))
# .packages = c("devtools","tidyverse","stringi","RNetCDF", "data.table")
# lapply(.packages, require, character.only=TRUE)
# force.vars = final.vars = c('temperature','salinity')
# var.units = c('degrees Celcius','PSU')
# long.names = c('Temperature','Salinity')
# fill.val = c(15,0)
# miss.val = c(15,0)
# valid.min = c(-2,0)
# valid.max = c(999,999)
# years = 1993:2017
# for(yr in 1:length(years)){
# in.dir = paste0(obs.dir,'statevars/')
# in.file = paste0(in.dir,'Obs_Hindcast_statevars_',years[yr],'.nc')
# make_force_statevar(roms.dir = in.dir,
# roms.file = in.file,
# out.dir = paste0(final.force.dir,'phys_statevars_alternate/'),
# force.vars = force.vars,
# var.units = var.units,
# final.vars = final.vars,
# fill.val = fill.val,
# long.names = long.names,
# miss.val = miss.val,
# valid.min = valid.min,
# valid.max = valid.max,
# out.prefix = 'GLORYS_tempsalt_force_',
# dupe.bottom = T)
# }
# # E) create spinup forcing 1964-1992 --------
# start.year = 1964
# years = 1964:1992
# source('C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GitHub/neus-atlantis/R/make_force_spinup.R')
# # obs.dir = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/Atlantis/Obs_Hindcast/Forcing_Files/Annual_Output/'
# obs.dir = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/Atlantis/Obs_Hindcast/'
# for(i in 1:length(years)){
# make_force_spinup(
# do.hydroconstruct =F,
# out.dir = obs.dir,
# trans.prefix = 'GLORYS_Atlantis_Transport_',
# statevar.prefix = 'Obs_Hindcast_statevars_',
# anyvar.prefix = NA,
# transport.file = paste0(obs.dir,'Forcing_Files/Annual_Output/combined_years/'),
# statevar.file = paste0(obs.dir,'Forcing_Files/Annual_Output/combined_years/'),
# anyvar.file = NA,
# anyvar.out = NA,
# force.dir =paste0(obs.dir,'Forcing_Files/'),
# start.year = 1964,
# new.year = years[i],
# param.temp = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/Atlantis/Obs_Hindcast/Forcing_Files/obs_hindcast_hydroconstruct_template.prm',
# bat.temp = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/Atlantis/Obs_Hindcast/Forcing_Files/hydroconstruct_run_template.bat'
# )
# # make_force_spinup(
# # do.hydroconstruct = F,
# # out.dir = pasteo(obs.dir,'phys_statevars_alternate_DOY_spinup/'),
# # trans.prefix = NA,
# # statevar.prefix = NA,
# # anyvar.prefix = 'GLORYS_tempsalt_force_',
# # transport.file = NA,
# # statevar.file = NA,
# # anyvar.file = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/Atlantis/Obs_Hindcast/Forcing_Files/Annual_Output/combined_years/',
# # # anyvar.out = paste0(final.force.dir,'phys_statevars_alternate/'),
# # anyvar.out = paste0(obs.dir,'phys_statevars_alternate_DOY_spinup/'),
# # # force.dir = paste0(obs.dir,'Forcing_Files/'),
# # force.dir = paste0(obs.dir,'phys_statevars_alternate_DOY_spinup/'),
# # start.year = 1964,
# # new.year = years[i],
# # param.temp = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/Atlantis/Obs_Hindcast/Forcing_Files/obs_hindcast_hydroconstruct_template.prm',
# # bat.temp = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/Atlantis/Obs_Hindcast/Forcing_Files/hydroconstruct_run_template.bat'
# # )
# print(i)
# }
# # F) Copy files to Git Directory ------------------------------------------
# final.transport = list.files(paste0(final.force.dir,'transport/'),'^flow.*\\.nc$',full.names = T)
# final.tempsalt = list.files(paste0(final.force.dir,'phys_statevars_alternate/'),'GLORYS_tempsalt_force_*',full.names = T)
# file.copy(final.transport,git.force.dir,overwrite = T)
# file.copy(final.tempsalt,git.force.dir,overwrite = T)
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions R/GLORYS/make_GLORYS_NEUS_statevar_summary.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#Script to combine Altantis-formatted GLORYS data into one data file

data.dir = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GLORYS/Atlantis_Format/'
out.dir = 'C:/Users/joseph.caracappa/Documents/GLORYS/Summary/'
years = 1993:2017
var.names = c('temperature','salinity') = list()
yr =1
for(yr in 1:length(years)){

dat.file = paste0(data.dir,years[yr],'/GLORYS_Atlantis_statevars_',years[yr],'.R')

#format temperature
yr.temp = temperature %>%
mutate(value = ifelse(value < 0, NA,value))%>%
rename(level = 'Var1',
box = 'Var2',
time = 'Var3',
temperature = 'value')%>%
mutate(date = as.Date(as.POSIXct((time-1)*86400,origin = paste0(years[yr],'-01-01 00:00:00',tz = 'UTC'))),
box = box-1)%>%

yr.salt = salinity %>%
mutate(value = ifelse(value < 0, NA,value))%>%
rename(level = 'Var1',
box = 'Var2',
time = 'Var3',
salinity = 'value')%>%
mutate(date = as.Date(as.POSIXct((time-1)*86400,origin = paste0(years[yr],'-01-01 00:00:00',tz = 'UTC'))),
box= box-1)%>%
filter(![[yr]] = yr.temp %>%


} = bind_rows(

write.csv(,file = paste0(out.dir,'GLORYS_Atlantis_Level_Statevars_all.csv'),row.names = F)
# ggplot(,aes(x=date,y=temperature,color = factor(level)))+
# geom_line()+
# facet_wrap(~box)

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