Deprecated Due to the huge maintenance burden generated by the frequent changes in Microsoft APIs, this plugin will not be further developed or maintained without an explicit request.
check_microsoft365 is an Icinga check plugin, which is capable to check in the Microsoft 365 context via the Microsoft Graph API.
In the current version check_microsoft365 supports the service health overview context.
Checks the health information of one or more services subscribed by a tenant.
check_microsoft365 servicehealth
-n, --servicenames strings The name of one or more specific service/s
--state-override strings States to override (e.g. STATENAME=ok)
--all Displays all services regardless of the status
-M, --display-message Displays the issue message to the specified service
-i, --issue-start-time string Displays only issue massages in the period of time given. Possbile values are e.G. '1h', '30m' (default "15m")
-h, --help help for servicehealth
Global Flags:
-c, --clientid string The client id from your app registration (env: AZURE_CLIENT_ID)
-s, --clientsecret string The client secret from your app registration (env: AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET)
-S, --scope string Represents the definition of a delegated permission (default "")
-T, --tenantid string The tenant id from your app registration (env:AZURE_TENANT_ID)
-t, --timeout int Timeout for the check (default 30)
$ check_microsoft365 servicehealth --clientid "example_client_id" \
--clientsecret "example_client_secret"
--tenantid "example_client_tenant"
CRITICAL - Found 27 services - 2 Critical - 0 Warning:
[CRITICAL] Microsoft365Defender: Microsoft 365 Defender EXTENDEDRECOVERY
| total=27 warning=0 critical=2
$ check_microsoft365 servicehealth --clientid "example_client_id" \
--clientsecret "example_client_secret"
--tenantid "example_client_tenant"
--state-override "SERVICEDEGRADATION=ok"
--state-override "EXTENDEDRECOVERY=ok"
OK - Found 27 services - 0 Critical - 0 Warning:
All services are healthy | total=27 warning=0 critical=0
$ check_microsoft365 servicehealth --serivenames "Exchange Online"
--serivenames "Microsoft 365 Defender"
--state-override "EXTENDEDRECOVERY=warning"
CRITICAL - Found 2 services - 1 Critical - 1 Warning:
[WARNING] Microsoft365Defender: Microsoft 365 Defender EXTENDEDRECOVERY
| total=2 warning=1 critical=1
In order to work correctly you need the correct permissions and configuration within Azure, to grant the plugin proper read-only access to the resources.
The following step-by-step instructions will help you to setup this configuration.
In Azure, withing the Azure Active Directory, search for the key word App registrations and add a new registration
with a meaningful name for the app registration like check_microsoft365
If the app registration was successfully, it should appear under the tab Owned applications. pen the app details and navigate to the section Certificates & secrets, add a new client secret.
Now the check_microsoft365
App Registration needs ServiceHealth.Read.All access to fetch monitoring values via
the Microsoft Graph API.
In Azure, navigate to the previous registered App and search for the key word API permissions
. Then click
on Add a permission
and select on the right-hand side Microsoft Graph
. According to that click on Application permissions
search/select for
, which allows the app to read your tenant's service health information, without a signed-in
user. More over, if issue messages are required in the plugin output, you may also have set the ServiceMessage.Read.All
For more information, visit How to register an app , How to find the tanant id
Copyright (C) 2022 NETWAYS GmbH
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see