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Integration Options

Brylie Christopher Oxley edited this page May 15, 2015 · 9 revisions

Developers and project managers may decide to integrate custom code and/or extend the API Umbrella codebase. This document outlines varios strategies for extending API Umbrella, including risks and benefits for each strategy.


API Umbrella Web API

The API Umbrella Web project has a REST API, allowing access to core features. The REST API, being versioned, is relatively stable, and may be a first consideration as an integration option.


  • Stable, versioned API
  • Written in Ruby/Rails

API Umbrella Gatekeeper

The API Umbrella Gatekeeper is built using Node.js. It may be possible to extend the functionality using connect middleware.


  • Written in JavaScript
  • Connect middleware
  • Web API uses Gatekeeper to run configuration, etc

API Umbrella Mongo database

Configuration settings are ultimately stored in the Mongo database, after being processed by the API Umbrella Router. It may be possible to write custom code that interacts directly with the Mongo database.


  • Configurations end up in database, so may be able to write them via other means than Router