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postfix status ready

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup
  4. Usage
  5. Reference
  6. Limitations
  7. Development


postfix configuration management

Module Description

postfix setup and configuration, can be configured to act like a simple mail relay or a multidomain mailserver


What postfix affects

  • /etc/postfix/
  • package management
  • service management
  • purges packages for other MTA on CentOS and switches to postfix on Ubunut 14.04

Setup Requirements

This module requires pluginsync enabled and eyp-dovecot (it is required to be able to setup IMAP for the mailserver: postfix::vmail)

Beginning with postfix

basic setup:

class { 'postfix':
  inetinterfaces => 'localhost',

mail relay:

class { 'postfix':
  inetinterfaces => 'all',
  relayhost      => '',
  mynetworks     => [ '', '' ],

multidomain mail server

class { 'postfix': }

class { 'postfix::vmail': }

postfix::vmail::alias { '[email protected]':
  aliasto => [ '[email protected]' ],

postfix::vmail::account { '[email protected]':
  accountname => 'example',
  domain      => '',
  password    => 'secretpassw0rd',

postfix::vmail::account { '[email protected]':
  accountname => 'silvia',
  domain      => '',
  password    => 'secretpassw0rd2',

postfix::vmail::account { '[email protected]':
  accountname => 'marc',
  domain      => '',
  password    => 'secretpassw0rd3',


This module can be used to configure postfix to relay mails to another server or to have virtual mailboxes (multidomain/multiaccount).

To setup opportunistic TLS with custom certificates:

	class { 'postfix':
		opportunistictls => true,
		tlscert          => 'puppet:///openldap/masterauth/ldap-master-01.crt',
		tlspk            => 'puppet:///openldap/masterauth/ldap-master-01.key.pem',

To setup opportunistic TLS with selfsigned certificate:

	class { 'postfix':
		opportunistictls  => true,
		subjectselfsigned => '/C=ES/ST=Barcelona/L=Barcelona/',
		generatecert      => true,

Mailserver with contentfilter (amavis)

# Mailserver
class { 'postfix': }

class { 'postfix::vmail': }

postfix::vmail::account { '[email protected]':
  accountname => 'merda',
  domain      => '',
  password    => 'putamerda',

class { 'postfix::contentfilter':

multiple smtp outbound instances:

postfix::instance { 'out_domain1':
  type    => 'unix',
  chroot  => 'n',
  command => 'smtp',
  opts    => { 'smtp_bind_address' => '',
               'smtp_helo_name' => '',
               'syslog_name' => '',

postfix::instance { 'out_domain2':
  type    => 'unix',
  chroot  => 'n',
  command => 'smtp',
  opts    => { 'smtp_bind_address' => '',
               'smtp_helo_name' => '',
               'syslog_name' => '',

blackhole domain or account (to be able to blackhole a domain it requires postfix::vmail):

postfix::alias { 'blackhole':
  to => '/dev/null',

postfix::vmail::alias { '':
  aliasto => [ 'blackhole@' ],

log example:

# echo a | mail -s caca blackhole@

Nov 29 12:33:03 ldapm postfix/pickup[16927]: 51876A105B: uid=0 from=<root>
Nov 29 12:33:03 ldapm postfix/cleanup[16995]: 51876A105B: message-id=<20161129113303.51876A105B@ldapm>
Nov 29 12:33:03 ldapm postfix/qmgr[16928]: 51876A105B: from=<[email protected]>, size=384, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Nov 29 12:33:03 ldapm postfix/local[16997]: 51876A105B: to=<blackhole@ldapm>, orig_to=<blackhole@>, relay=local, delay=0.09, delays=0.07/0.03/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to file: /dev/null)
Nov 29 12:33:03 ldapm postfix/qmgr[16928]: 51876A105B: removed

# echo a | mail -s caca [email protected]

Nov 29 12:33:10 ldapm postfix/pickup[16927]: 70BA8A105B: uid=0 from=<root>
Nov 29 12:33:10 ldapm postfix/cleanup[16995]: 70BA8A105B: message-id=<20161129113310.70BA8A105B@ldapm>
Nov 29 12:33:10 ldapm postfix/qmgr[16928]: 70BA8A105B: from=<[email protected]>, size=396, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Nov 29 12:33:10 ldapm postfix/local[16997]: 70BA8A105B: to=<blackhole@ldapm>, orig_to=<[email protected]>, relay=local, delay=0.03, delays=0.02/0/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to file: /dev/null)
Nov 29 12:33:10 ldapm postfix/qmgr[16928]: 70BA8A105B: removed

multiple inbound email instances:

class { 'postfix':
  inetinterfaces    => 'all',
  mynetworks        => [ '' ],
  myhostname        => '',
  smtpdbanner       => ' ESMTP',
  opportunistictls  => true,
  subjectselfsigned => '/C=UK/ST=Shropshire/L=Telford/O=systemadmin/',
  generatecert      => true,
  syslog_name       => 'private',

class { 'postfix::vmail': }

postfix::vmail::account { '[email protected]':
  accountname => 'systemadmin',
  domain      => '',
  password    => 'systemadmin_secret_passw0rd',

postfix::instance { '':
  type    => 'inet',
  private => 'n',
  chroot  => 'n',
  command => 'smtpd',
  opts    => {
              'content_filter'               => '',
              'smtpd_helo_restrictions'      => '',
              'smtpd_sender_restrictions'    => '',
              'smtpd_recipient_restrictions' => 'permit_mynetworks,reject',
              'mynetworks'                   => ',',
              'receive_override_options'     => 'no_header_body_checks',
              'smtpd_helo_required'          => 'no',
              'smtpd_client_restrictions'    => '',
              'smtpd_restriction_classes'    => '',
              'disable_vrfy_command'         => 'no',
              #'strict_rfc821_envelopes'      => 'yes',
              'smtpd_sasl_auth_enable'       => 'no',
              'syslog_name'									 => 'public',
  order   => '99',



Most variables are standard postfix variables, please refer to postfix documentation:

  • append_dot_mydomain

  • biff

  • inetinterfaces

  • ipv6

  • mail_spool_directory

  • mydestination

  • mydomain

  • myhostname

  • mynetworks

  • myorigin

  • readme_directory

  • recipient_delimiter

  • relayhost

  • smtp_fallback_relay

  • smtpdbanner

  • install_mailclient

  • default_process_limit

  • smtpd_client_connection_count_limit

  • smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit

  • in_flow_delay

  • setgid_group

  • (...)

  • install_mailclient: controls if a mail client should be installed (default: true)

SSL certificates:

  • opportunistictls: controls Opportunistic TLS (default: false)
  • generatecert: controls if a selfsigned certificate is generated for this postfix instance (default: true)
  • tlscert: source cert file - generatecert must be false
  • tlspk: source private key - generatecert must be false
  • subjectselfsigned subject for a selfsigned certificate - generatecert must be true. example: '/C=RC/ST=Barcelona/L=Barcelona/',


bounce a specific domain:

postfix::transport { '':
  error => 'email to this domain is not allowed',

SMTP route:

postfix::transport { '':
  nexthop => '',


  • mailbox_base: (default: /var/vmail)
  • setup_dovecot: (default: true)
  • smtpd_recipient_restrictions (default: permit_inet_interfaces,permit_mynetworks,permit_sasl_authenticated,reject_unauth_destination)
  • smtpd_relay_restrictions (default: permit_inet_interfaces,permit_mynetworks,permit_sasl_authenticated,reject_unauth_destination)


postfix::vmail::account { '[email protected]':
  accountname => 'silvia',
  domain      => '',
  password    => 'secretpassw0rd2',


postfix::vmail::alias { '[email protected]':
  aliasto => [ '[email protected]' ],


Tested on:

  • CentOS 5
  • CentOS 6
  • CentOS 7
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • SLES 11 SP3


We are pushing to have acceptance testing in place, so any new feature should have some test to check both presence and absence of any feature


  • improve documentation (multidoamin mailserver is not yet covered)
  • SQLite support (was added with Postfix version 2.8)
  • add requires for postmap operations and rewrite it to use ${postfix::params::baseconf}


  1. Fork it using the development fork: jordiprats/eyp-systemd
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request