postfix configuration management
postfix setup and configuration, can be configured to act like a simple mail relay or a multidomain mailserver
- /etc/postfix/
- package management
- service management
- purges packages for other MTA on CentOS and switches to postfix on Ubunut 14.04
This module requires pluginsync enabled and eyp-dovecot (it is required to be able to setup IMAP for the mailserver: postfix::vmail)
class { 'postfix':
inetinterfaces => 'localhost',
class { 'postfix':
inetinterfaces => 'all',
relayhost => '',
mynetworks => [ '', '' ],
class { 'postfix': }
class { 'postfix::vmail': }
postfix::vmail::alias { '[email protected]':
aliasto => [ '[email protected]' ],
postfix::vmail::account { '[email protected]':
accountname => 'example',
domain => '',
password => 'secretpassw0rd',
postfix::vmail::account { '[email protected]':
accountname => 'silvia',
domain => '',
password => 'secretpassw0rd2',
postfix::vmail::account { '[email protected]':
accountname => 'marc',
domain => '',
password => 'secretpassw0rd3',
This module can be used to configure postfix to relay mails to another server or to have virtual mailboxes (multidomain/multiaccount).
To setup opportunistic TLS with custom certificates:
class { 'postfix':
opportunistictls => true,
tlscert => 'puppet:///openldap/masterauth/ldap-master-01.crt',
tlspk => 'puppet:///openldap/masterauth/ldap-master-01.key.pem',
To setup opportunistic TLS with selfsigned certificate:
class { 'postfix':
opportunistictls => true,
subjectselfsigned => '/C=ES/ST=Barcelona/L=Barcelona/',
generatecert => true,
Mailserver with contentfilter (amavis)
# Mailserver
class { 'postfix': }
class { 'postfix::vmail': }
postfix::vmail::account { '[email protected]':
accountname => 'merda',
domain => '',
password => 'putamerda',
class { 'postfix::contentfilter':
multiple smtp outbound instances:
postfix::instance { 'out_domain1':
type => 'unix',
chroot => 'n',
command => 'smtp',
opts => { 'smtp_bind_address' => '',
'smtp_helo_name' => '',
'syslog_name' => '',
postfix::instance { 'out_domain2':
type => 'unix',
chroot => 'n',
command => 'smtp',
opts => { 'smtp_bind_address' => '',
'smtp_helo_name' => '',
'syslog_name' => '',
blackhole domain or account (to be able to blackhole a domain it requires postfix::vmail):
postfix::alias { 'blackhole':
to => '/dev/null',
postfix::vmail::alias { '':
aliasto => [ 'blackhole@' ],
log example:
# echo a | mail -s caca blackhole@
Nov 29 12:33:03 ldapm postfix/pickup[16927]: 51876A105B: uid=0 from=<root>
Nov 29 12:33:03 ldapm postfix/cleanup[16995]: 51876A105B: message-id=<20161129113303.51876A105B@ldapm>
Nov 29 12:33:03 ldapm postfix/qmgr[16928]: 51876A105B: from=<[email protected]>, size=384, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Nov 29 12:33:03 ldapm postfix/local[16997]: 51876A105B: to=<blackhole@ldapm>, orig_to=<blackhole@>, relay=local, delay=0.09, delays=0.07/0.03/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to file: /dev/null)
Nov 29 12:33:03 ldapm postfix/qmgr[16928]: 51876A105B: removed
# echo a | mail -s caca [email protected]
Nov 29 12:33:10 ldapm postfix/pickup[16927]: 70BA8A105B: uid=0 from=<root>
Nov 29 12:33:10 ldapm postfix/cleanup[16995]: 70BA8A105B: message-id=<20161129113310.70BA8A105B@ldapm>
Nov 29 12:33:10 ldapm postfix/qmgr[16928]: 70BA8A105B: from=<[email protected]>, size=396, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Nov 29 12:33:10 ldapm postfix/local[16997]: 70BA8A105B: to=<blackhole@ldapm>, orig_to=<[email protected]>, relay=local, delay=0.03, delays=0.02/0/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to file: /dev/null)
Nov 29 12:33:10 ldapm postfix/qmgr[16928]: 70BA8A105B: removed
multiple inbound email instances:
class { 'postfix':
inetinterfaces => 'all',
mynetworks => [ '' ],
myhostname => '',
smtpdbanner => ' ESMTP',
opportunistictls => true,
subjectselfsigned => '/C=UK/ST=Shropshire/L=Telford/O=systemadmin/',
generatecert => true,
syslog_name => 'private',
class { 'postfix::vmail': }
postfix::vmail::account { '[email protected]':
accountname => 'systemadmin',
domain => '',
password => 'systemadmin_secret_passw0rd',
postfix::instance { '':
type => 'inet',
private => 'n',
chroot => 'n',
command => 'smtpd',
opts => {
'content_filter' => '',
'smtpd_helo_restrictions' => '',
'smtpd_sender_restrictions' => '',
'smtpd_recipient_restrictions' => 'permit_mynetworks,reject',
'mynetworks' => ',',
'receive_override_options' => 'no_header_body_checks',
'smtpd_helo_required' => 'no',
'smtpd_client_restrictions' => '',
'smtpd_restriction_classes' => '',
'disable_vrfy_command' => 'no',
#'strict_rfc821_envelopes' => 'yes',
'smtpd_sasl_auth_enable' => 'no',
'syslog_name' => 'public',
order => '99',
Most variables are standard postfix variables, please refer to postfix documentation:
install_mailclient: controls if a mail client should be installed (default: true)
- opportunistictls: controls Opportunistic TLS (default: false)
- generatecert: controls if a selfsigned certificate is generated for this postfix instance (default: true)
- tlscert: source cert file - generatecert must be false
- tlspk: source private key - generatecert must be false
- subjectselfsigned subject for a selfsigned certificate - generatecert must be true. example: '/C=RC/ST=Barcelona/L=Barcelona/',
bounce a specific domain:
postfix::transport { '':
error => 'email to this domain is not allowed',
SMTP route:
postfix::transport { '':
nexthop => '',
- mailbox_base: (default: /var/vmail)
- setup_dovecot: (default: true)
- smtpd_recipient_restrictions (default: permit_inet_interfaces,permit_mynetworks,permit_sasl_authenticated,reject_unauth_destination)
- smtpd_relay_restrictions (default: permit_inet_interfaces,permit_mynetworks,permit_sasl_authenticated,reject_unauth_destination)
postfix::vmail::account { '[email protected]':
accountname => 'silvia',
domain => '',
password => 'secretpassw0rd2',
postfix::vmail::alias { '[email protected]':
aliasto => [ '[email protected]' ],
Tested on:
- CentOS 5
- CentOS 6
- CentOS 7
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Ubuntu 16.04
- SLES 11 SP3
We are pushing to have acceptance testing in place, so any new feature should have some test to check both presence and absence of any feature
- improve documentation (multidoamin mailserver is not yet covered)
- SQLite support (was added with Postfix version 2.8)
- add requires for postmap operations and rewrite it to use ${postfix::params::baseconf}
- Fork it using the development fork: jordiprats/eyp-systemd
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request