(Karma + Sassy) * (Facebook + Slack + Skype + Hipchat) = Kassy
It does way more than this now...
Kassy is a modular, easily extensible general purpose chat bot. Small node.js modules can be written for it then placed in the modules directory. They will load on startup (or restart) and become part of what the chat bot provides. Current pre-installed modules are located here, additional modules can be created or installed through the built in package manager. Existing modules include a variety of functionality from getting animated gifs to running arbitrary sandboxed JavaScript code, voting and giving karma.
First clone the repository and install required npm packages:
git clone https://github.com/mrkno/Kassy.git
cd Kassy
npm install
Then start one or more of the available integrations:
(eg. node main.js facebook slack skype test
after configuring to start them all)
Integrations are chat platforms that Kassy integrates into. The currently available preinstalled ones are:
- Special Commands
- Creating Modules
- Usage Example/Overview
- Integrations
- Creating Integrations
- Existing Integrations
- Debugging and Logging
Written to see if it could be done, not written to be readable.
Enter at your own peril.
Contributions welcome.
Licensed under the MIT license. Unless otherwise specified, code is Copyright (c) Matthew Knox 2015.