This repository is the mmPoint: Dense Human Point Cloud Generation from mmWave code implementation. In this paper, we propose to generate dense 3D human point clouds from mmWave radar signals.
Step 1: Get the raw radar dataset Go to HuPR to get the raw radar dataset.
Step 2: Get the pseudo 3D human point clouds generated in our paper. Download the point clouds via this Google Drive link. The compressed file contains 34800 point cloud files (58 scenes, each of which has 600 frames point cloud). Each file has the fomatted name as "single_{SceneID}_000{FrameID}.npy" (for instance, single_2_000100.npy). Each point cloud has 2048 points.
Our code is implemented in Python 3.6, PyTorch 1.10.2, and CUDA 11.3.
- Install python Dependencies
cd mmPoint
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Compile PyTorch 3rd-party modules.
cd utils/ChamferDistancePytorch/chamfer3D
python install
cd -
cd utils/Pointnet2.PyTorch/pointnet2
python install
cd -
cd utils/emd
python install
cd -
Preprocess the raw radar data collected by the radar sensor (IWR1843Boost).
- Step 1: Convert the raw .bin files into npy files
cd tool
- Step 2: Convert the raw .npy files into hfd5 files that can be sent into the network directly
- Before training, go to the cfg\mmPoint.yaml file to do some configurations, such as setting the dataset path.
- To train the network, you can simply run:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -c cfgs/mmPoint.yaml
You can simply run the following command to generate a prediction using your trained model:
cd tools
You can use 3D visualization software such as the MeshLab to open the predicted files in the 'results' folder to see the generated 3D human point cloud.
If our work is useful for your research, please consider citing:
title={mmPoint: Dense Human Point Cloud Generation from mmWave},
author={Qian, Xie and Qianyi, Deng and Ta-Ying, Cheng and Peijun, Zhao and Amir, Patel and Niki, Trigoni and Andrew, Markham},
booktitle={The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
- This code largely benefits from excellent work-HuPR repository, please also consider citing HuPR if you use this code.
- We include the following PyTorch 3rd-party libraries:
[1] ChamferDistancePytorch
[2] emd
[3] Pointnet2.PyTorch