File examples/ * Last update 2015-05-03
These files are from
Java Precisely and its example programs come with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event shall the author or the IT University of Copenhagen or the MIT Press be liable for any damage resulting from its use.
The source code for Example 1 is in file, and so on.
Most examples are compiled and ready to run; running them requires Java Development Kit 8.0 or later.
For instance, to run the program from Example 5, unpack the example archive and type
java Example5
Some example programs require additional command line argument; they will say so if invoked without command line arguments.
The programs and may be run with option -ea or -enableassertions like this:
java -enableassertions Example91
java -enableassertions Example92
A legal name (of a variable, method, field, parameter, class, interface or package) starts with a letter or dollar sign($) or underscore(_), and continues with zero or more letters or dollar signs or underscores or digits(0-9). Avoid dollar signs in class and interface names. Uppercase letters and lowercase letters are considered distinct. A legal name cannot be one of the following reserved names:
abstract |
char |
else |
for |
interface |
protected |
switch |
try |
assert |
class |
enum |
goto |
long |
public |
synchronized |
void |
boolean |
const |
extends |
if |
native |
return |
this |
volatile |
byte |
default |
final |
import |
null |
static |
throw |
case |
do |
finally |
instanceof |
package |
strictfp |
transient |
catch |
double |
float |
int |
private |
super |
true |
The following naming conventions are often followed, although not enforced by Java.
If a name is composed of several words, then each word(except possibly the first one) begins with an uppercase letter. Examples:
. -
Names of variables, fields, and methods begin with a lowercase letter. Examples:
. -
Named constance (such as
final static
fields and enum values) are written entirely in uppercase, and the parts of composite names are separated by underscores(_). Examples:CENTER
. -
Package names are sequences of dot-separated lowercase names. Examples:
. For uniqueness, they are often prefixed with reverse domain names, as incom.sun.xml.util
A type is a set of values and operations on them. A type is either a primitive type or a reference type.
A primitive type is either boolean
or one of the numeric types char
, byte
, short
, int
, long
, float
, or double
A reference type is a class type defined by a class declaration(section 9.1), or an interface type defined by and interface declaration(section 13.1), or and array type(section 5.3), or an enum type(chapter 14).
An array type has the form t[]
, where t
is any type. An array type t[]
is a reference type.
Hence a value of array type t[]
is ether null
or a reference to an array whose element type is precisely t
(when t
is a primitive type),
or is a subtype of t
(when t
is a reference type).
For every primitive type there is a corresponding wrapper class, which is a reference type.
A type t1
may be a subtype of a type t2
, in which case t2
is a supertype of t1
The following rules determine when a type t1
is a subtype of a type t2
- Every type is a subtype of itself.
- If
is a subtype oft2
, andt2
is a subtype oft3
, thent1
is a subtype oft3
. - if
are primitive types, and there is widening (W or L) conversion fromt1
according to the table apposite, thent1
is a subtype oft2
. - If
are classes, thent1
is a subtype oft2
is subclass oft2
. - If
are interfaces, thent1
is a subtype oft2
is a subinterface oft2
. - If
is a class andt2
is an interface, thent1
is a subtype oft2
provided thatt1
(is subclass of a class that) implementst2
or implements a subinterface oft2
. - Array type
is a subtype of array typet2[]
if reference typet1
is a subtype of reference typet2
. - Any reference type
, including any array type, is also a subtype of predefined class Object.
A type conversion converts a value from on type to another. A widening conversion converts from a type to a supertype (or the type itself).
A narrowing conversion converts from a type to another type. A narrowing conversion requires an explicit type cast (section 11.11),
except in an assignment x = e
or initialization where e
is a compile-time integer constants (section 11.5).
A variable is declared inside a method, constructor, initializer block, or block statement (section 12.2). The variable can be used only in that block statement (or method or constructor or initializer block), and only after its declaration.
A parameter is a special kind of variable: it is declared in the parameter list of a method or constructor, and is given a value when the method or constructor is called. The parameter can be used only in that method or constructor.
A field is declared inside a class, but not inside a method or constructor or initializer block of the class. It can be used anywhere in the class, also textually before its declaration.
The purpose of a variable is to hold a value during the execution of a block statement (or method or constructor or initializer block). A variable-declaration has one of the forms
variable-modifier type varname1, varname2, ... ;
variable-modifier type varname1 = initializer, ... ;
A string is an object of the predefined class String. It is immutable: one created it cannot be changed.
An array is an indexed collection of variables, called elements. An array has a given length l ≥ 0 and a given element type t.
The elements are indexed by the integers 0, 1, ..., l-1. The value of an expression of array type u[]
is ether null
or a reference to an array whose element type t
is a subtype of u
. If u
is a primitive type, then t
must equal u
A new array of length l with element type t
is created (allocated) using an array creation expression:
new t[l]
A variable or field of array type may be initialized at declaration, using an existing array or an array initailizer
for the initial value. An array initializer is a comma-separated list of zero or more expression enclosed in braces { ... }
t[] x = { expression, ..., expression };
The type of each expression must be a subtype of t
. Evaluation of the initializer causes a distinct new array,
whose length equals the number of expressions, to be allocated.
Array initializer may also be used in connection with array creation expressions:
new t[] { expression, ..., expression }
A class-declaration of class C
has the form
class-modifiers class C extends-clause implements-clause
A declaration of class C
introduces a new reference type C
. The class body may contain declaration of fields,
constructors, methods, nested classes, nested interfaces, and initializer blocks.
A class declaration may take type parameters and be generic; see section 21.4. The declarations in a class may appear in any order:
A field, method, nested class, nested interface, or nested enum type is called a member of the class. A member may be declared static
A non-static member is also called an instance member.
A top-level class is a class declared outside any other class or interface declaration. A nested class is a class declared inside another class or interface. There are two kinds of nested classes: a local class is declared inside a method, constructor, or initializer block; a member class is not. A non-static member class, or a local class in a non-static member, is called an inner class, because an object of the inner class will contain a reference to an object of the enclosing class. See also section 9.11.
For a top-level class, the class-modifiers may be a list of public
and at most one of abstract
or final
For a member class, they may be a list of static
, at most one of abstract
or final
, and at most one of private
, or public
. For a local class, they may be at most one of abstract
or final
- If a top-level class
is declaredpublic
, then it is accessible also outside its package (chapter 17). - If a class
is declaredfinal
one cannot declare subclsses ofC
and hence cannot override any methods declared inC
. - If a class
is declaredabstract
, then it cannot be instantiated, but non-abstract subclasses ofC
can be instantiated.
A class C
may be declared a subclass of class B
by an _extends-clause of the form
class C extends B { ... }
Class C
is a subclass and hence a subtype (section 5.5) of B
and its supertypes. It inherits all methods and fields
(even private ones, although they are not accessible in class C
), but not the constructors, from B
The purpose of a field is to hold a value inside an object (if non-static) or a class (if static). A field must be declared in a class declaration. A field-declaration has one of the forms
field-modifiers type fieldname1, fieldname2, ... ;
field-modifiers type fieldname1 = initializer1, ... ;
The field-modifiers may be a list of the modifiers static
, final
, transient
(section 26.12), and volatile
and at most one of the access modifiers private
, protected
, public
(section 9.7).
If a field f
in class C
is declared static
, then f
is associated with class C
and can be referred to independently of any object of class C
A field initializer may be an expression or an array initializer (section 8.2). A static field initializer can refer only to static members of C
an can throw no checked exceptions (chapter 15).
Static fields are initialized when the class is loaded. First all static fields are givien default initial values; then the static initializer blocks (section 9.13) and static field initializers are executed, in order of appearance.
Non-static fields are initialized when a constructor is called, at which time all static fields have been initialized already (section 9.10).
If a class C
declares a non-static field f
, and C
is a sub-class of a class B
that has a non-static field f
then every object of class C
has two fields, both called f
: one is the B
-field f
declared in the superclass B
and one is the C
field f
declared in C
itself. What field is referred to by a field access o.f
is determined by the compile-type type of o
(section 11.9).
A member (field, method, nested class, or interface) is always accessible in the class in which it is declared,
except where shadowed by a variable, parameter, or field (of a nested class). The access modifier private
, protected
and public
determine where else the member is accessible.
If a member is declared private
in top-level class C
or a nested class within C
, it is accessible on all object instances,
not only this
, in C
and its nested classes, but not in their subclasses outside C
nor in other classes.
If a member in class C
is declared protected
, it is accessible in all classes in the same package (chapter 17) as C
and on the same object instance (this
) in subclasses of C
, but not in non-subclasses in other packages.
If a member in class C
is not declared private
, protected
, or public
, it has package access, or default access,
and is accessible only in classes with in the same package as C
, not in classes in other packages.
If a member in class C
is declared public
, it is accessible in all classes, including classes in other packages.
Thus, in order of increasing accessibility, we have private
access, package (or default) access, protected
access, and public
A method must be declared inside a class. A _method-declaration declaring method m
has the form
method-modifiers return type m(formal-list) throws-clause
The _formal-list is comma-separated list of zero or more formal parameter declarations, of one of the forms
parameter-modifier type parameter-name
parameter-modifier type... parameter-name
The parameter-modifier may be final
, meaning that the parameter cannot be modified inside the method, or absent.
The method-modifiers may be abstract
or a list of static
, final
, synchronized
(section 20.2),
and at most one of the access modifiers private
, protected
, or public
(section 9.7).
If a method m
in class C
is declared final
, it cannot be overridden (redefined) in subclasses.
If a method m
in class C
is declared abstract
, class C
must itself be abstract(and so cannot be instantiated).
An abstract
method cannot be static
, final
or synchronaized
, and its declaration has no method body:
abstract method-modifiers return-type m(formal-list) throw-clause;
The throws-clause of a method or constructor has the form throw E1, ..., En
where E1, ..., En
are the names of exception types covering all the checked exceptions that the method or constructor may throw.
If execution of the method or constructor body may throw some exception e
, then e
must be either an unchecked exception (chapter 15)
or a checked exception whose class is a subtype of one of E1
, ..., En
. An Ei
may be a generic type parameter provided it is constrained (section 21.5) to be subtype of Throwable.
The last parameter of a method may be declared to be a parameter array, using the syntax
t... x
where t
is a type, x is a parameter name, and the three dots ... are part of the concrete syntax.
In the method, parameter x
will have type t[]
The purpose of a constructor in class C
is to initialize new objects (instances) of the class. A constructor-declaration
in class C
has the form
constructor-modifiers C(formal-list) throws-clause
The constructor-modifiers may be a list of at most one of private
, protected
, and public
(section 9.7);
a constructor cannot be abstract
, final
, or static
. A constructor has no return type.
Constructors may be overloaded in the same way as methods: the constructor signature (a list of the parameter types in formal-list) is used to deistinguish constructors in the same class. A constructor may call another overloaded constructor in the same class using the syntax:
A non-static nested class, that is, a non-static member class NMC
or a local class NLC
in a non-static member,
is called an inner class. An object of an inner class always contains a reference to an object of the enclosing class C
called the enclosing object. That object can be referred to as C.this
in non-static code (example 47),
so a non-static member x
of the enclosing object cna be referred to as C.this.x
An inner class or local class cannot have static members. More precisely, all static fields must also be final, and methods and nested classes in an inner class or local class must be non-static.
A static nested class, that is, a static member class SMC
or a local class in a static member, has no enclosing object
and cannot refer to non-static members of the enclosing class C
A static member class may itself have static as well as non-static members.
An anonymous class is a special kind of local class; hence it must be declared inside a method, constructor, or initializer. An anonymous class can be declared, and exactly one instance created, using the special expresion syntax:
new C(actual-list)
In addition to field initializers (section 9.6), class may contain initializer-blocks. Initializer blocks may be used when field initializers or constructors do not suffice. We use the term initializer to mean field initializers as well as initializer blocks. A static initializer block has the form:
static block-statement
Conceptually, a class represents a concept, a template for creating instances(object). In the computer, a class is a chunk of memory, set aside once, when the class is loaded at run-time. A class has the following parts:
- The name of the class
- Room for all the static members of the class
Conceptually, an object is an instance of a concept(a class). In the computer, an object is a chunk of memory,
set aside by an object creation expression new C(...);
see section 11.7. Every evaluation of an object creation expression
new C(...)
creates a distinc object, with its own chunk of computer memory. An object has the following parts:
- A reference to the run-time
class C
of the object; this is the classC
used when creating the object - Room for all the non-static members of the object
When NMC
is an inner class(a non-static membmer class, or a local class in non-static code) in a class C
then an object of class NMC
is an inner object. In addition to the object's class and the non-static fields
an inner object always contains a reference to an enclosing object, which is an object of the innermost enclosing class C
The enclosing object reference can be written C.this
in non-static code in the inner class.
An object of a static nested class SMC
, on the other hand, contains no reference to an enclosing object.
A lambda expression evaluates to a function, a value that implements a functional interface (chapter 23). A lambda expression has one of these three forms, each having zero or more parameters and a lambda body.
x -> ebs
(x1, ... xn) -> ebs
(formal-list) -> ebs
A method reference expression has one of these six forms, where t
is a type, m
a method neam, e
and expression,
and C
a class name. Example 67 illustrates all of these:
t[]...[] :: new
A throw
statement has the form
throw expression;
where the type of the expression must be a subtype of class Throwable (chapter 15).
The throw
statement is executed as follows: The expression is evaluated to obtain an exception object v
If it is null
, the a NullPointerException is thrown; otherwise the exception object v
is thrown.
Thus a thrown exception is never null
. In any case, the enclosing block statement terminates abruptly (chapter 15).
The thrown exception may be caught by a dynamically enclosing try-catch
statement (section 12.6.6). If the exception is not caught,
then the entire program execution will be aborted, and information from the exception will be printed on the console.
A try-catch
statement is used to catch (particular) execptions thrown by a code block; it has this form:
catch (E1 x1) catchbody1
catch (E21 | E22 | ... | E2k) catchbody2
finally finallybody
The assert
statement has one of the following forms:
assert boolean-expression ;
assert boolean-expression : expression ;
An interface describes fields and methods but does not implement them. An interface-declaration may contain field descriptions, method descriptions, class declarations, and interface declarations, in any order.
interface-modifier interface I extends-clause {
A class C
may be declared to implement one or more interfaces by an implements-clause:
class C implements I1, I2, ...
In this case, C
is a subtype (section 5.5) of I1
, I2
, and so on, and C
must declare all the methods described by I1
, I2
, ...
with exactly the prescribed signatures and return types. A class may implement any number of interfaces. Fields, classes,
and interfaces declared in I1
, I2
,... can be used in class C
An interface can declare default methods, which must have a body in the form of a block statement. The method body can refer only to the interface's (abstract, default, or static) methods and (final static) fields, as well as other static methods. A default methods is inherited by any class that implements the interface or any of its subinterfaces. Many predefined functional interfaces have default methods; see chapter 23 and example 214.
An interface can declare static methods, which have a body in the form of a block statement.
The method body can refer only to other static methods and (final static) fields of the interface.
A static method m
declared on interface I
can be called directly on the interface type as I.m(...)
and must be called like this also in implementing classes and in subinterfaces; it is not "inherited" by them.
An annotation type @Anno
is a special kind of interface; its declaration has this form:
interface-modifiers @interface Anno { annotations-members }
Each annotations-member has one of these forms, where an annotations-member-expression is a constant:
type f();
type f() default annotation-member-expression;
final type f = constant;
Several meta-annotations may be used when declaring an annotations type. Type @Target({...})
meta-annotations specifies the legal targets for an annotations type; the default is any target:
@Target Value |
Legal Targets |
Annotations type declarations |
Constructor declarations |
Field declarations or enum value declarations |
Local variable declarations |
Method declarations |
Package declarations |
Parameter declarations in method or constructor |
Class, interface, or enum type declarations |
Type parameter of generic class, interface, method or constructor |
The @Retentions(...)
meta-annotations specifies the retention policy for an annotation type:
Value | Meaning |
The annotations is discarded by the compiler and will not be stored in the class file |
The annotations is stored in the class-file (default) but unavailable at run-time |
The annotations is available for reflective inspections at run-time |
An enum type is used to declare distinct enum values; an enum type is a reference type. An enum-type-declaration is a specialized form of class declaration that begins with a list of enum value declarations:
enum-modifiers enum t implements-cluse {
An exception is an object of an exception type: a non-generic subclass of Throwable. It is used to signal and describe
and abnormal situation during program execution. The evaluation of an expression or the execution of a statement
may throw an exception, either by executing a throw
statement (section 12.6.5) or by executing a primitive operation,
such as array element assignment, that may throw an exception.
There are two kinds of exception types: checked (thos that mus be delcared in the throws-clause of a method or
constructor; see section 9.8) and unchecked (those that not be). If the execution of a method or constructor body
can throw a checked exception of class E
, then class E
or a supertype of E
must be declared in the throws-clause
of the method or constructor.
String builders, which are objects of the predefined class java.lang.StringBuilder, provide extensible and modifiable strings. Characters can be appended to a string builder without copying those characters already in the string builder; the string builder automatically and efficiently extended as needed. To concatenate n strings each of length k using string builder requires only time proportional to kn, considerably faster than kn^2 for large n.
A StringBuffer has the same methods as a StringBuilder, but is thread safe: several concurrent threads (chapter 20) can safely modify the same string buffer. Both classes implement the Appendable and CharSequence interfaces (section 26.7).
A thread is alive if it has been started and has not died. A thread dies by existing its run()
either by returning or by throwing an exception. A live thread is in one of the states Enabled (ready to run),
Running (actually executing), Sleeping (waiting for a timeout), Joining (waiting for another thread to die),
Locking (trying to obtain the lock on object o
), or Waiting (for notification on object o
The thread state transition are shown in the following table and figure.
From State | To State | Reason for Transition |
Enabled | Running | System schedules thread for execution |
Running | Enabled Enabled Waiting Locking Sleeping Joining Dead |
System preempts thread and schedules another one Thread executes yield() Thread executes o.waits() , releasing lock on o Thead attempts to executes synchronized (o) { ... } Thread executes sleep() Thread executes u.join() Thread exited run() by returning or by throwing an exception |
Sleeping | Enabled Enabled |
Sleeping period expired Thread was interrupted; throws InterruptedException when run |
Joining | Enabled Enabled |
Thread u being joined died, or join timed outThread was interrupted; throws InterruptedException when run |
Waiting | Locking Locking Locking |
Another thread executed o.notify() or o.notifyAll() Wait for lock on o timed outThread was interrupted; throws InterruptedException when run |
Locking | Enabled | Lock on o became available and was given to this thread |
Concurrent threads are executed independently. Therefore, when multiple concurrent threads access the same fields or
array elements, there is considerable risk of creating an inconsistent state.
To avoid this, thread may synchronize the access to shared state, such as objects and arrays. A single lock is
associated with every object, array and class. A lock can be held by at most one thread at a time.
A thread may explicitly request the lock on an object or array by executing a synchronized
statement, which has this form:
synchronized (expression)
The expression must have reference type. The expression must evaluate to a non-null
reference o
otherwise a NullPointerException is thrown. After the evaluation of the expression, the thread becomes Locking on object o
When the thread obtains the lock on object o
(if ever), the thread becomes Enabled and may become Running
so that the block-statment
is executed. When block-statement terminates or exited by return
, break
, or continue
or by throwing an execption, then the lock on o
is released.
A synchronized
non-static method declaration (section 9.8) is shorthand for a method whose body has the form
synchronized (this)
That is, the thread will execute the method body only when it has obtained the lock on the current object. It will release the lock when it leaves the method body.
A synchronized
static method delcaration (section 9.8) in class C
is shorthand for a method whose body has the form
synchronized (C.class)
That is, the thread will execute the method body only when it has obtained the lock on the object C.class
which is the unique object of class Class associated with class C
; see section 27.1. It will hold the lock until it
leaves the method body and release it at that time.
The current thread, whose state is Running, may call these methods among others.
changes the state of the current thread from Running to Enabled, and thereby allows the system to schedule another Enabled thread, if any.Thread.sleep(n)
sleeps forn
milliseconds: the current thread becomes Sleeping and aftern
milliseconds becomes Enabled. May throw InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted while sleeping.Thread.currentThread()
returns the current thread object.Thread.interrupted()
returns and clears the interrupted status of the current thread; trueif there has been no call to
Thread.interrupted()and no InterruptedException thrown since the last interrupt; otherwise
Let u
be a thread (an object of a subclass of Thread). Then
changes the state ofu
to Enabled so that itsrun
method will be called when a processor becomes available.u.interrupt()
interrupts the threadu
: ifu
is Running or Enabled or Locking, then its interrupted status is set totrue
. Ifu
is Sleeping or Joining, it will become Enabled, and if it is Waiting, it will become Locking; in these caseu
will throw InterruptedException when and if it becomes Running and the interrupted status is set tofalse
returns the interrupted status ofu
(and does not clear it).u.join()
waits for threadu
to die; may throw InterruptedExecption if the current thread is interrupted while waiting.u.join(n)
works asu.join()
but times out and returns after at mostn
milliseconds. There is no indication whether the call returned because of a timeout or becauseu
A thread that holds the lock on an object o
my call the following methods, inherited by o
from class Object.
release the lock ono
, changes its own state to Waiting, and adds itself to the set of threads waiting for notification ono
. When notified (if ever), the thread must obtain the lock ono
, so when the call towait
returns, it again holds the locko
. May throw InterrupedException if the thread is interrupted while waiting.o.wait(n)
works likeo.wait()
except that the thread will change state to Locking aftern
milliseconds regardless of whether there has been a notification ono
. There is no indication whether the state change was caused by a timeout or a notification.o.notify()
choose an arbitrary thread among the threads waiting for notification ono
(if any) and changes its state to Locking. The chosen thread cannot actually obtain the lock ono
until the current thread has released it.o.notifyAll()
works likeo.notify()
, except that it changes the state to Locking for all threads waiting for notification ono
- Thread A releases a lock after the write to
, and then thread B acquires the same lock before the read. Hence leaving and then enteringsynchronized
method and blocks enforce visibility. - Field
itself is declaredvolatile
, and the write in A precedes the read in B in real time. - Thread A writes to some
field after the write tox
, and then thread B reads thevolatile
field before readingx
. Hence the visiblity ofx
may "piggyback" on the visibility effect of writing and then reading anyvolatile
field. - Thread A starts thread B using method
from section 20.3; a thread can see every write that its creator thread did. - Thread A terminates, and B awaits the termination of A using
from section 20.3; a thread can see every write performed by a thread it knows has terminated. - Concurrent collection operations from the
package and atomic operations from thejava.util.concurrent.atomic
package also have visibility effects.
The volatile
field modifier applied to a field x
ensures that every writes to x
by thread A,
end every other prior write performed by A, becomes visible to another thread B upon later reading x
The volatile
modifier prevents the java JIT compiler from performing certain optimizations, and it causes extra work
at run-time to make one processor core's write visible to other processor cores. This may slow down the code;
see example 115.
Declaring a field a
of array type volatile
does not affect the visibility of writes to the array's elements a[i]
To ensure visibility of array element writes, one must build on the Java Memory Model guarantees listed above;
use locking or synchronized
; piggyback on writes and subsequent reads of other volatile fields; use atomic operations; and so on.
If an instance field x
is declared in final
, then the value assigned to x
by a constructor is visible by any thread
that obtains the reference returned by the constructor. Since the final
modifier has visibility effect and also ensures
that the field cannot be modified (section 9.6), it can be used to implement thread-safe immutable objects.
This is useful in connection with functional programming (chapter 23) with parallel stream (chapter 24) and can also be
used to avoid locking in some scenarios.
Generic types and methods provide away to strengthen type checking at compile-time while at the same time making programs more expressive, reusable and readable. The ability to have generic types and methods is also known as parametric polymorphism.
A generic class declarations class C<T1, ..., Tn> { ... }
has one more type parameters T1, ..., Tn
Type body of the delcaration is an ordinary class body (section 9.1)
in which the type parameter Ti
can be used almost as if they were ordinary types; see section 21.6.
A generic class is also called parameterized class.
The resulting classes are called type instances.
Generic interfaces (section 21.7) can be declared also, and type instances can be created from them. Again, a generic interface is not an interface, but a type instance of a generic interface is an interface.
Generic method (section 21.8) can be declared by specifying type parameters on the method declaration in addition to any type parameters specified on the enclosing class or interface type.
A type instance such as C<Integer>
can be used almost anywhere an ordinary reference type can be used:
as type of a field, variable, parameter or return type; as the element type in an array type in the same contexts;
as a constructor name new C<T>(...);
and so on. However, there are the following restrictions:
- One can use a type instance in cast expression such as
but such a cast is sometimes reported by the complier to be unchecked (see section 21.6). - One cannot use a type instance in an instance test expression such as
(e instanceof C<Integer>)
- One cannot use a type instance as the element type of an array in an array creation expression such as
new C<Integer>[8]
. Butnew ArrayList<C<Integer>>()
is legal; see section 21.11
A delcaration of a generic class C<T1,...,Tn>
may have this form:
class-modifiers class C<T1,...,Tn> class-base-clause
class body
The T1, ..., Tn
are type parameters. The class-modifiers, class-body, and class-base are as for a non-generic class declaration (section 9.1).
The type parameters T1, ..., Tn
may be used whereber a type is expected in the class-base-clause and in non-static members of the class-body, and so may the type parameters of any enclosing generic class, if the parsent class is a non-static member class.
All type instnaces of a generic class C<T1,...Tn>
are represented by the same raw type C
at run-time. All type instance of a generic class C<T1,...Tn>
share the same static fields (if any) declared in class-body.
As a consequence, the type parameters of the class cannot be used in any static members.
An object instance of a type instance C<t1, ..., tn>
of a generic class is created using the new
operator to invoke a constructor of the type instance, as in new C<t1, ..., tn>()
for and argument-less constructor.
If the type arguments t1,...,tn
can be inferred from the context, the argument list may be left empty as a "diamond" <> as in new C<>()
Within the body { ... }
of a genric class class C<T1,...,Tn> { ... }
or generic interface, a type parameter Ti
may be used almost as if it were a public type.
One can use type parameter
as a type argument in the supertype and in the implemented interfaces of the generic class or generic interface (butTi
itself cannot be used as superclass or implemented interface.) -
One can use type paramter
in the return type, variable type, parameter types, andthrows
clauses of non-static methods and their local inner classes, as well as in the type and initializer of non-static fields and non-static constructors. In these contexts,Ti
can be used in type instancesC1<...,Ti,...>
of generic types.C1
. -
One can use type parameter
for the same purposes in non-static member classes, but not in static member classes nor in member interface. -
One can use
for type casts, but such casts are sometimes reported by the compiler to be unchecked. This is due to java's implementation of generic types; see section 21.11 and examples 123 and 131. -
One cannot use
new Ti[10]
to create a new array whose element type isTi
(see example 132); one cannot use(o instanceof Ti)
to test whethero
is an instance ofTi
; one cannot useTi.class
to obtain the canonical object representing tye typeTi
; one cannont usenew Ti()
to create an instance ofTi
; and one cannot call static methods on a type parameterTi
, as inTi.m()
, or otherwise refer to the static members of a type parameter. Again, this is due to Java's implementation of generic types; see sections 21.11.
A declaration of a generic interface I<T1, ... ,Tn>
has this form:
interface-modifiers interface I<T1,...,Tn> extends-clause
A type instance of the generic interface has form I<t1,>
where the
are types.
The types
must satisfy the parameter constraints,
if any, on the generic interface I<T1,...Tn>
as described in section 21.5.
A generic interface is a subinterface of the interface mentioned in its extends-clause.
Like a generic class, a generic interface is not covariant in its parameters. That is, I<String>
is not a subtype of I<Object>
although String is a subtype of Object.
A generic method is a method that takes one or more type parameters.
A generic method may be declared inside a generic or non-generic class of interface.
A declaration of a generic method m<T1,...Tn>
has this form:
method-modifiers `m<T1,...Tn>` returntype m(formal-list)
The main syntactic difference is that a generic method has a list of type parameters T1,...Tn
before its returntype.
The type parameters T1,...,Tn
may be used as types in the returntype, formal-list, and method-body, as may the type parameters of any enclosing generic class if the method is non-static.
Generic methods of the same name m
are not distinguished by their number of generic parameters, and a generic method is not distinguished from a non-generic method of the same name.
For example, these three methods
void m() { ... }
<T> void m() { ... }
<T,U> void m() { .... }
are considered distinct, and at most one of them can be declared in a given scope.
A _wildcard type is a type expression that denotes some unknown type. A wildcard type can be used only as a type argumentin a generic type instance,
as in Shop<?>
where Shop<T>
is a generic type from example 130; a wildcard cannot be used as a type on its own. A wildcard type is useful when one must
give a type argument in a generic type or method but does want to specify the exact type. There are three forms of wildcard types:
<? extends tb>
<? super tb>
The first form of wildcard represents some unknown type; the second form represents some unknown type that is tb
or a subtype of tb
and the third form represents some unknown type that is tb
or a supertype of tb
In general, wildcard type <? extends tb>
is useful as type argument when a value of a generic type must be usable as a producer of objects of type tb
Conversely, the wildcard type <? super tb>
is useful as a type argument when a value of a generic type must be usable as a consumer of object of type tb
For every generic type there is an underlying raw type.
For a generic C<T1,...,Tn>
the raw type is a non-generic class C
that is a supertype of all type
instances C<t1,...,tn>
of the generic class C<T1,...,Tn>
For a generic interface I<T1,...Tn>
the raw type is an interface I
is a superinterface of all type instances I<t1,...,tn>
of the generic interface I<T1,...Tn>
The raw type C
is derived from the generic class declaration by erasure as follows:
is a type parameter ofC<T1,...Tn>
without a constraint, then any use ofTi
in the body of classC
is replaced by Object. -
is a type parameter ofC<T1,...,Tn>
with constraintsc1 & c2 & ... & cn
, then any use ofTi
in the boyd of classC
is replaced byc1
For this reason one sometimes sees constraints of the formTi extends Object & c2 & ... & cn
that begin with an apprently superfluous occurence of Object.
Generic types and method in Java resemble C++ type templates and function templates, as well as generic Types and methods in the C# programming language. However, generic types and method in Java have been designed to allow programs that use genericss to run on the same non-generic Java Virtual Machine as older Java programs. This design has several implications:
Only reference types, not primititve types, can be used as generic type arguments. Thus a type parameter
must be instantiated with typeInteger
, not typeint
, andint
values must be wrapped asInteger
objects. This so-called boxed representation carries a certain overhead in execution time and space becauseInteger
object must be allocated on the heap to wrapint
values, extra memory accesses are needed, and theint
values must be unboxed before performing arithmetic or comparison. -
There is a single type in the run-time system common to all the type instances
of a genric typeC<T1,...Tn>
, namely the raw type C. In particular, all object instance of all type instances have the same field layout and contain the same bytecode instructions.
Thus at rum-time, the type instancesPair<String,Integer>
in example 118 are actually represented by the same raw type Pair with fields of type Object. This loses some optimization opportunities that exist for C++ templates and for C# generics type and methods.
On the other hand, the existence of the raw type makes it easy for new Java generic types to interoperate with legacy non-generic types; this is more difficult in C# programs. -
Overloading resolution of a method
or constructor does not take type arguments inm
's parameter types into account and does not distinguish generic and raw types inm
's parameter types. For example, these three methods are not considered distinct, and at most one of them can be declared in a given scope:void m(List xs) { ... } void m(List xs) { ... } void m(List xs) { ... }
At rum-time there is no information about the actual type arguments of a genric type or method. So type parameter can be used only to limited extent in reflection and not at all in
The Java class library package java.util
provides collection classes and map (or dictionary) classes:
A collection, decribed by generic interface
(section 22.1), is used to group and handle may distict elements of type T as a whole. -
A list, described by generic interface
(section 22.2), is a collection whose elements can be traversed in insertion order. Implemented by the generic classesLinkedList<T>
(for linked lists, double-ended queues, and stacks) andArrayList<T>
(for dynamicaly extensible arrays and stacks). -
A set, described by generic interface
(section 22.3), is a collection that cannot contain duplicate elements. Implemented by the generic classesHashSet<T>
A sorted set, described by generic interfaceSortedSet<T>
(section 22.4), is a set whose elements are orderd: either the elements implements methodcompareTo
specified by interfaceComparable<T>
, or the set's ordering is given explicitly by an object of typeComparator<T>
(section 22.9). Implemented by generic classTreeSet<T>
. -
A map, described by generic interface
(section 22.5), represents a mapping from a key of typeK
to at moset one value of typeV
for each key. Impelemented by the generic classesHashMap<K,V>
, andLinkedHashMap<K,V>
A sorted map, described by generic interfaceSortedMap<K,V>
(section 22.6), is a map whose key are ordered, as forSortedSet<K>
. Implemented by classTreeMap<K,V>