Github repo for the master thesis project of Ludovic Herbelin, supervised by Jacques Savoy.
Swiss Joint Master of Science in Computer Science, March 2021 - September 2021
The structure of the project and some of the files such as the base classes were inspired by this github project.
The goal of this project is to work on financial markets, try and predict the changes and / or tendencies of the stock prices daily. We will compare the performances of the different models with the efficient market hypothesis by building a model predicting the trends and prices according to a random walk process.
├───.gitignore `
├───data - data in csv-like format files
│ ├───AAL.txt
│ ├───AAPL.txt
│ ├───AMZN.txt
│ ├───CMCSA.txt
│ ├───COST.txt
│ ├───GM.txt
│ ├───GOOG.txt
│ ├───IBM.txt
│ ├───JNJ.txt
│ ├───KO.txt
│ ├───PEP.txt
│ ├───TSLA.txt
│ ├───WMT.txt
│ └───XOM.txt
├───datasets - datasets files, for pytorch and wrapper with pandas dataframe
│ ├─── - wrapper with a pandas dataframe for stocks data, compute features, normalization, etc.
│ └───
├───helpers - general helper files : plots, preprocessing utils, etc.
│ ├─── - data-related functions compute some features, split data, etc.
│ ├─── - helper explainer for ML models using LIME
│ ├─── - preprocessor to standardize data format
│ ├─── - help plot the data and results with pyplot
│ └───
├───models - model classes for pytorch and keras
│ ├─── - abstract basic model by the different sub-models
│ ├───
│ ├───
│ └───
├───notebooks - jupyter notebooks with the different experiments
│ ├───FeaturesComparison.ipynb
│ ├───KerasLSTMClassification.ipynb
│ ├───KerasLSTMRegressionSplits.ipynb
│ ├─── - helper for notebooks settings (path)
│ ├───pipelines - pipelines to run experiments on all stocks
│ ├───
│ ├───Pipeline_KerasLSTM.ipynb
│ ├───Pipeline_ML_Classification.ipynb
│ ├───Pipeline_ML_Regression.ipynb
│ ├───Pipeline_Pytorch_LinearModel_Prediction.ipynb
│ └───Pipeline_RandomWalk.ipynb
│ ├───PCA.ipynb
│ ├───Pytorch_LinearModel_Prediction.ipynb
│ ├───Pytorch_LinearModel_Regression.ipynb
│ ├───Pytorch_LSTMModel_StockPrediction.ipynb
│ ├───RandomWalk.ipynb
│ ├───StockPriceRegressionModel.ipynb
│ ├───StockPriceTendencyPrediction.ipynb
│ └───
└───trainers - trainer files which handle the models training and predictions for pytorch and keras
├─── - base trainer class which is inherited by all sub-trainers for the different frameworks
Clone the repo wherever you want, then create a virtual environment and install the modules :
python3 -m venv <path/to/virtualenv>
- Depending on your OS :
source <path/to/virtualenv>/bin/activate
for Unix or<path\to\virtualenv\activate.bat>
for Windows pip install -r requirements.txt
jupyter lab
You will now be able to run the experiments in the /notebooks/