Player of mod files and inline track-data (old Amiga music format) coded in Python.
ModTracker is a player of mod tracks (old Amiga music format) loaded from disk or inline mod-data. You can load instruments/samples from disk or synthesize them in code.
Modtracker for Python is based on ProTracker:
- All basic effect except E-effects are implemented. (Effect B never found and not tested!)
- Read and play 4-channel mod files in the Ultimate Soundtracker or Protracker format.
- Load and save in native format (see next bullets for differences)
- Specify track-info inline as a array (python list)
- Load samples (sounds) from wav files (unsigned 8 bit int, signed 32 bit float, signed 16 bit int, signed 32 bit int)
- Specify samples as a waveform-array (python list)
- Modtracker does not have a position table to specify a sequence of patterns to play. You can simulate this in your own python code.
Python is not fast enough to synthesize sounds on-the-fly (not using external libraries in e.g. C).
So Modtracker identifies and synthesizes all unique sounds beforehand and stores this in a library/dictionary.
For each channel a playlist of references to these sounds is build. This minimizes the needed memory.
Python uses pygame to play the sounds and numpy to synthesize the sounds with the effects.
The basic framework is:
- Import modtrack - from modtrack import tracker
- Init modtrack - tracker.init
- Load or specify your song - tracker.load / tracker.load_amigamodule / song array=[[--- --- 00 000 000],[--- --- 00 000 000]]
- load samples (optionally) - wav2sample / tracker.custom_waveform
- Synthesize the song - tracker.make_pattern
- Play the song - tracker.play_pattern
A song array (python list) consists of:
- rows to be played one after another,
- and each row consists of 4 channels,
- each channel has a sequence either in amiga format or in (expanded) native format
- each channel has a sequence consisting of note1, (note2), sample number, effect1 (effect2)
amiga_song= [ ["C-3 04 000", "--- 00 000", "--- 00 000", "--- 00 000"], ["--- 00 000", "--- 00 000", "--- 00 000", "--- 00 000"], ] native_song=[ ["C-3 --- 04 000 000", "--- --- 00 000 000", "--- --- 00 000 000", "--- --- 00 000 000"], ["--- --- 00 000 000", "--- --- 00 000 000", "--- --- 00 000 000", "--- --- 00 000 000"] ["D-3 --- 04 000 000", "--- --- 00 000 000", "--- --- 00 000 000", "--- --- 00 000 000"] ]
- A note is 3 positions long, starting with 'A'-'G', followed by - or # and last the octave number
- Sample numbers are 2 positions long, in hex and start at 01
- Effects are 3 positions long, start with effect number 'A'-'F', followed by the effect value (2 positions) in hex
- A note(group) starts if note1 is not --- and ends on the next row where note2 is not ---
- Instrument is only needed in first row of note-group.
- If the first row of the group has note1 and note2 specified, they are both played and all effects are applied to both of them.
- If a consequetive row has note2 (but not note1 off course), this note2 is not played but interpreted as an argument of the effect on that row.
- Effects don't have to span the entire group and effect1 and effect2 can start/stop at different rows within the group.
Samples (instruments) can be internal, wav files or custom waveforms:
- Default samples/instruments are: 1: tri, 2: saw, 3: pulse, 4:sin, 5:whitenoise
- If you load a sample from disk, this sample should have a frequency of C-3 (261Hz)
- A custom sample from a waveform shape is made with a two dimensional array:
You can use every character you like to specify it. Don't put multiple characters in the same column.
triangle_waveform = [" /\ ", " / \ ", "/ \"]
init (volume, resolution, flags) - init pygame engine and window at desired resolution/flags and sets master volume
songtitle - title of song
clear (pytfilename) - start new song, clear samples, pattern and sets filename for song
load (pytfilename) - load song in native Modtrack format
save (pytfilename) - save song in native Modtrack format
load_amigamodule (modfile) - load song in Ultimate Soundtracker and ProTracker format
wav2sample (filename,volume,samplenr=-1)
- loads wav file, and amplifies to required volume and returns a sample (optionally set at samplenr)
custom_waveform (usr_waveform_array, volume, samplenr, name)
- converts a wavefrom array and returns a sample (optionally set at samplenr)
octave_transpose - must be set before make-pattern (will effect song-array as well as mod files)
master_volume - must be set before make-pattern, can also be set from init()
make_pattern (legacy,pattern_text) - converts pattern array into sound, legacy should be set to False if pattern_text is in native format ("C-2 D-2 01 C40 000")
get_play_pos() - returns playing position in msecs
get_play_row() - converts msecs in row nr in pattern
abort_play - stops play at next row
pause_play - pause play at next row
resume_play - resume play from paused row
play_pattern(soundrefs,from_time)- play_pattern (soundrefs is optionally) from given time (optionally)
In a song array the following effects can be used:
0 - Normal play or Arpeggio 0xy : x-first halfnote add, y-second
1 - Slide Up 1xx : upspeed
2 - Slide Down 2xx : downspeed
3 - Tone Portamento 3xx : up/down speed
4 - Vibrato 4xy : x-speed, y-depth
5 - Tone Portamento + Volume Slide 5xy : x-upspeed, y-downspeed
6 - Vibrato + Volume Slide 6xy : x-upspeed, y-downspeed
7 - Tremolo 7xy : x-speed, y-depth
9 - Set SampleOffset 9xx : offset (23 -> 2300)
A - VolumeSlide Axy : x-upspeed, y-downspeed
B - Position Jump Bxx : go to start of pattern at position xx in position list
C - Set Volume Cxx : volume, 00-40
D - Pattern Break Dxx : go to row xx of next pattern in position list
B+D - on same row Bxx Dyy: go to row yy of pattern at pos xx in pos list
F - Set Speed Fxx : speed (00-1F) / tempo (20-FF)
E9 - Retrig Note E9x : retrig from note + x vblanks
E00/1 - filter on/off
E1x/2x - FineSlide Up/Down
E30/1 - tonep ctrl off/on
E40/1/2 - Vib Waveform sine/rampdown/square
E5x - set loop point
E6x - jump to loop+play x times
E70/1/2 - Tremolo Waveform
EAx/EBx - Fine volslide up/down
ECx/EDx - notecut after x vblanks/notedelay by x vblanks
EEx/EFx - PatternDelay by x notes/Invert loop, x=speed
- B and D are not necessary in native format. In ModTrack you can (should) just make one complete pattern.
- In native track format (two effects per sequence) the effect commands 5,6 are not necessary since they are combinations of other effects:
5 -> 3, A
6 -> 4, A - Amiga files use patterns of 64 rows and the F00 command is used to stop the song before a 64-row block In ModTrack a song can be of any number of rows, so to stop the song just don't add any rows after the last note.
Internally patterns in amiga format will be rewritten to native format: Example of second note as chord (C-3 E-3) and effect parameter (D-3)
C-3 E-3 00 102 000
--- --- 00 102 A02
--- D-3 00 302 A02
--- --- 00 302 A02
Compact sequences like in Protracker are expanded as follows:
ProTracker -> ModTrack
C-3 00 000 C-3 --- 00 000 000
E-3 00 302 --- E-3 00 302 000
C-3 00 000 C-3 --- 00 000 000
E-3 00 302 --- E-3 00 302 000
--- 00 513 --- --- 00 302 A13
The effectcombo's 5 and 6 are rewritten to seperate effects:
ProTracker -> ModTracker
C-3 01 000 C-3 --- --- 01 000 000
G-3 01 343 --- G-3 --- 01 343 000
--- 01 502 --- --- --- 01 343 A02
C-3 01 000 C-3 --- --- 01 000 000
G-3 01 443 --- G-3 --- 01 443 000
--- 01 502 --- --- --- 01 443 A02