This widget is based on the tkinter.Text widget and displays rich formatted text (rtf).
The rtf-text should be formatted using html-like commands between '<'/'>'-brackets.
Line endings are parsed as html linebreaks <BR>
. Links, Images and Tables are not available.
The following commands act the same as in standard html:
<H1> ... </H1> text size 18 pt
<H2> ... </H2> text size 15 pt
<H3> ... </H3> text size 12 pt
<H4> ... </H4> text size 10 pt
<b> ... </b> bold
<i> ... </i> italic
<u> ... <u> underline
<center> ... </center> center
The following custom commands are present
<family:...> ... </family> font name
<size:...> ... </font> font size
<color:...> ... </color> text color (use colornames like 'red', without quotes)
<background...> ...</background> text background color
<code> ... <code> set text to monospaced and 10 pt
<codei>... <codei> same, but with lightgrey background
<hr> ...
...</hr> horizontal rule
import tkinter as tk
from tkRTFText import RTFText
# Create window
# Add widget RTFText
RTF.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH,padx=(0,0),pady=(2,2))
# Make some rtf/'html' to display
rtf=("<family:verdana>Verdana <size:14>14pt</size> <size:18>18pt</size></family>\n"+
"<color:red>red text</color>\n<background:yellow>yellow background</background>\n"+
"<H1>Header</H1>\n<H2>Header</H2>\n<H3>Header</H3>\n<H4>Header </H4>\n"+
"<b>Bold <i>and italic</i> </b>\n"+
"<center>Text can also be centered </center>\n"+
"Page divider below:\n"+
"Page divider above")
# Set rtf to widget
RTF.setRTF(rtf,pad=(8,8),bg='white', font=tkf.Font(family='Terminal', weight = 'normal', size = 9))
# Display window and wait user actions