Social shares is intended to easily check social sharings of an url.
Supported networks:
:000 > require 'social_shares'
=> true
:000 > SocialShares.supported_networks
=> [:vkontakte, :facebook, :google, :twitter, :mail_ru, :odnoklassniki, :reddit, :linkedin, :pinterest, :stumbleupon]
:000 > url = ''
=> ""
:000 > SocialShares.facebook url
=> 394927
:000 > url
=> 28289
:000 > SocialShares.twitter url
=> 1164675
# in case of exception it will return nil value
:000 > SocialShares.twitter url
=> nil
# but this method will raise it
:000 > SocialShares.twitter! url
=> RestClient::RequestTimeout: Request Timeout
:000 > SocialShares.all url
=> {:vkontakte=>44, :facebook=>399027, :google=>28346, :twitter=>1836, :mail_ru=>37, :odnoklassniki=>1, :reddit=>2361, :linkedin=>nil, :pinterest=>21011, :stumbleupon=>43035}
# same for #all! method, it will not handle exceptions
:000 > SocialShares.all! url
=> RestClient::RequestTimeout: Request Timeout
:000 > SocialShares.selected url, %w(facebook google linkedin)
=> {:facebook=>394927, :google=>28289, :linkedin=>nil}
:000 > SocialShares.selected! url, %w(facebook google linkedin)
=> RestClient::RequestTimeout: Request Timeout
# Total sum of sharings in selected networks
:000 > url, %w(facebook google)
=> 423216
# Second arg is optional, by default it takes all networks
:000 > url
=> 1631102
# Note that #has_any? is faster than (#total > 0), coz it stops on first network that has at least 1 sharing
:000 > SocialShares.has_any? url, %w(facebook google)
=> true
# Second arg is optional, by default it takes all networks
:000 > SocialShares.has_any? url
=> true
Include the gem in your Gemfile:
gem 'social_shares'