#Eclipse Phase Data This repository lists the traits, skills, aptitudes and other associated gameplay stats for the tabletop roleplaying game Eclipse Phase
- Name of aptitude
- Name of Skills : Governing Aptitude
Name of Trait:
- Cost: (CP cost or bonus)
- Type: (Positive, Negative or Neutral)
- EoM: (Ego or Morph, or Both)
- Description: (Text from books)
- Restriction: (Limited to particular morph, faction, background etc)
- Dependency: (Dependant on other traits, IE Adapatability Level 2 has dependency on Adaptability level 1)
For traits with multiple levels, each level has been created as a seperate trait with indicated dependancy. CP cost of traits with levels is listed as the price to increase from the previous level. IE Adaptability Level 1 costs 10 points and is a dependancy for Level 2, since Level 2 costs 20 CP total, it is listed as 20-10 = 10 CP (Total - Already paid).
- Implants:
- List of implants
- Movement Rate:
- Movement type: (Normal/Run)
- ...
- Aptitude Maximum:
- Aptitude: Max Value
- ...
- Durability: Value
- Wound Threshold: Value
- Advantages:
- Skill or aptitude: Bonus
- ...
- Disadvantages:
- Skill or aptitude: Negative Bonus
- ...
- Notes : Other things to note
- CP: Cost
- Credit: Cost
- Speed Modifier: Value
- Description: Text from books