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Release Process (DRAFT)

Drew Farris edited this page Aug 14, 2017 · 3 revisions

Make sure you have the latest

  1. git co master
  2. git pull

Set the new release version

  1. mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=A.B.C
  2. find . -name pom.xml.versionsBackup -exec rm {} ;
  3. mvn clean verify -Pcollectd
  4. git diff - verify only changes are to versions in pom
  5. Update TIMELY_VERSION in server/Dockerfile and server/docker-compose.yml
  6. Update grafana App version in timely-app/dist/plugin.json - timely-app/plugin.json
  7. git commit -a

Generate release notes based on closed issues

Tag the release

  1. git tag -a A.B.C <-- add release notes to the tag

Set the new development version

  1. mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=A.B.D-SNAPSHOT
  2. find . -name pom.xml.versionsBackup -exec rm {} ;
  3. git diff - verify only changes are to versions in pom
  4. Update TIMELY_VERSION in server/Dockerfile and server/docker-compose.yml
  5. Update grafana App version in timely-app/dist/plugin.json - timely-app/plugin.json
  6. git commit -a

Push changes

  1. git push
  2. git push --tags