Download the whole repositiory or
git clone
fieldwork2021.qgz can be opend in QGIS 3.X.X ( The data is already linked in the project and is ready to use. The ./data folder contains relevant datasets for stations, larger bird nests, hunting zones etc. The responsible persons can simply edit the relevant csv files and commit those changes to the repository in order to change the map.
- raptor nests: ample system:
- red = breeding: no-go area 50m
- orange = breeding status unclear = be very silent & cautious
- green = no breeding assumption = normal field work possible
- raccoon traps (cage traps): please do not touch anything
- traps are usually only supplied with bait (not activated for catchiung)
- only very few hours active (in the night) and we will be present somewhere in the forest with veterinary etc.
- please pass behind the (camouflaged) cameras to not trigger them
- red = please do not disturb that zone