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Local Sniping

jjskuld edited this page May 16, 2017 · 5 revisions

Local Sniping (v171+)

Sniping is back! Starting in v171, NecroBot supports local sniping. Auto sniping works as well as manual sniping is working. Teleport and walk sniping are both supported.

  1. We are still feeding our bots with data from our sniping server. However, only pokemon within a short sniping range will be processed and added to the sniping lists. This range is configurable (see below).

  2. There are 2 supported movement options for sniping: a) Teleporting, and b) Walking.

  3. Teleporting MAY result in catch flee when encountering the pokemon. This seems to be dependent on how far the jump is. You may also notice a long pause (up to 30 seconds) after the jump. This is due to the bot refreshing the map and waiting for the teleport softban to expire. So in the end teleport may not be much faster than walking.

  4. Walking is always reliable but obviously takes some time to walk to the target. There are several options for walk sniping: a) Catching other pokemon while walking to your target pokemon. b) Spinning pokestops while walking to your target pokemon. c) Increase your walking speed above your "normal" walking speed while walking to your target pokemon.

These are the settings that affect the local sniping:

"HumanWalkSnipeConfig": {
    "Enable": true,
    "MaxDistance": 1500.0,
    "CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true,
    "SpinWhileWalking": true,
    "MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 200.0,
    "AllowSpeedUp": true,


HumanWalkSnipeConfig.Enable - If true, then we'll walk to the snipe target. Otherwise we do a teleport like before. Note that you may frequently get catch flee when catching pokemon after teleport due to Niantic's new server-side checks on distance.

HumanWalkSnipeConfig.MaxDistance - Determines which pokemon show up for sniping in the bot. Only pokemon within this range will be snipable.

HumanWalkSnipeConfig.CatchPokemonWhileWalking - Allows you to catch other pokemon while walking to your snipe target.

HumanWalkSnipeConfig.SpinWhileWalking - Allows you to spin pokestops while walking to your snipe target.

HumanWalkSnipeConfig.AllowSpeedUp - Allows you to temporarily increase walking speed when moving to sniping target.

HumanWalkSnipeConfig.MaxSpeedUpSpeed - The maximum increased walking speed when using the HumanWalkSnipeConfig.AllowSpeedUp option. The safe default is 60, but in my experience a speed of 200 works perfectly fine for sniping.