This is a Bot similar to a discord/slack bot, for Dogehouse
- Clone repo
- run 'npm i' in terminal
- Go to Dogehouse
- Open Developer options (F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I)
- Go to Application > Local Storage >
- Copy your token and refresh-token and put them in an .env file:
- add folder in ./commands with your name
- make a new .js file in that folder with the name of the command
- add object to your new file and define its execution and name
module.exports = {
name: 'name-of-command',
description: 'what is it , how does it work?',
aliases: ['this', 'that'],
execute(data) {
data.message.reply(['send whisper reply'], {whispered: true, mentionUser: true})
data?.app?.bot?.sendMessage('send to main chat').then((response) => console.log(response)) // optional chaining is a preference
- reload the bot
- test command in chat. prefix: -.
the default prefix is set in config.json