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This is a dom manipulation library built on destam (delta state manager). This library's purpose is to provide bindings to interpret destam deltas as mutations on the dom.

See the documentation

Basic counter

const count = Observer.mutable(0);
mount(document.body, html`
	<button $onclick=${() => count.set(count.get() + 1)}>
		Button clicked ${count} times
	<button $onclick=${() => count.set(0)}>Reset</button>

No virtual dom

Virtual doms were a mistake:

  • they allocate a lot of memory just to represent the dom
  • they make it impossible to make static analysis tools that unroll dom descriptions into vanillajs
  • they require a lot of magic called "reconciliation" in order to actually work
  • they have horrible performance with lists as virtual dom implementations are forced to iterate the entire tree

destam-dom relies on the idea of signals, but destam-dom does not attempt to re-invent another state library, it's built on the existing destam library. Destam provides primitives that generate deltas whenever they are mutated, and destam-dom takes those deltas and interprets them as dom manipluations. This approach achieves true constant time insertion, deletion and modification to dom children.

List example

const numbers = OArray([1, 2, 3]);

const NumComponent = ({each: num}) => {
	return html`${num} `;

mount(document.body, html`
	<button $onclick=${() => numbers.push(numbers.length + 1)}>
		Add number
		<${NumComponent} each=${numbers}/>

JSX compatible

destam-dom provides various source passes under transform/ for build systems that will take html`` template literals and JSX and turn it into simple calls that destam-dom directly understands so that no parsing has to happen at runtime.

More examples

The examples directory provides many simple examples for how to use this library.

npm run dev

Accessing the link provided will allow you to browse the examples. To view a single example, navigate to the compliment .html url for each implementation. All examples are served from the root. For instance, if you wanted to see the result of examples/basic.js, navigate to /basic.html in the browser.


A dom manipulation library based on Destam.







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