A Python package for querying public bathymetric data sources. Currently only digital elevation model (DEM) data from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) database is supported. Future development will focus on implementing other sources, such as the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) and NOAA's new Blue Topo project.
pip install bathyreq
Download bathymetric data for a given area:
import bathyreq
req = bathyreq.BathyRequest()
data, lonvec, latvec = req.get_area(
longitude=[-117.43, -117.23], latitude=[32.55, 32.75]
Download bathymetric data for a single longitude/latitude pair:
import bathyreq
req = bathyreq.BathyRequest()
data = req.get_point(
longitude=-117.43, latitude=32.75
Download bathymetric data for a given set of longitude/latitude pairs:
import bathyreq
req = bathyreq.BathyRequest()
data = req.get_points(
longitude=[-117.43, -117.23], latitude=[32.55, 32.75]
Download bathymetric data for a given profile between two longitude/latitude pairs:
import bathyreq
req = bathyreq.BathyRequest()
data = req.get_profile(
longitude=[-117.43, -117.23], latitude=[32.55, 32.75]