Releases: Neradoc/discotool-circuitpython-manager
Alpha 8: serial panel and scan changes
The serial panel now lets you type directly into it, with the text box being used only to send pasted text.
The auto scan in the main window runs less often and properly waits between scans. It can also be turned off.
Fix in the MDNS scanner, it should now find all Web Workflow boards.
Alpha 7: drag-and-drop upload and auto install recursively
This version improves the auto-install process:
- Find more import statements in the designated python file.
- Looking recursively into on-board imported python files.
- Fix USB file upload.
- Add CIRCUITPY size information both in the welcome and files tabs.
Alpha 6: Update to Circuitpython 9
Update to Circuitpython 9.
- MPY format version 6.
- Web workflow API v4.
This restores some functionality, but does not yet implement reading "writeable" property per directory, which will allow writing to a mounted SD card when the main drive is locked.
Mostly fixes, including a couple of regressions.
- Add shortcuts ctrl/cmd + 1/2/3/4 to activate tabs in the board window.
- Minor changes to the home page look.
- Fix dot-files being identified as bad MPY instead of ignored.
- Fix selecting modules in the bundles page.
- Skip unreachable boards with mdns during the scan (reporting IP for example).
More file management stuff.
- new download button to back-up the current status of the board.
- new upload files button with mutiple selection and directories.
- new "create empty file" button to create a new file.
- link to each bundle module repository in the bundle and installer views.
Minor changes
- don't unlist boards that are no longer found, but show a "?" on the icon.
- some light mode styles.
- find external http urls in the serial output and make them links.
Alpha 3: rich editor and error links in serial
Web serial console:
- allow ctrl + char usual commands.
- add shift to ctrl-C and ctrl-D on windows/linux.
- keep an input history (doesn't understand tab complete).
- find exceptions and link to the matching file/line in the editor. (Will not work for mpy files)
- find missing module errors and link to the installer to install it.
Rich editor using codemirror:
- python syntax hightlighting.
- support tab to indent.
- support shortcuts to comment/uncomment (cmd-' or cmd-t).
- search panel plugin.
- cancel history plugin.
- line numbers plugin.
Button in editor to install dependencies for the current file.
Board title in serial and editor windows lead to board window.
Find and open web workflows with port different from 80. This might encounter a mdns bug in Circuitpython where the port is not always correctly reported.
Alpha 2: open Web Workflow files and REPL in the app
When using the Web Workflow, open the REPL and file editor in the app.
Options for the files list reorganized, display folder triangles à-la MacOS.
Many fixes and UI changes.
Some fixes for modules with subdirectories and other stuff
- fix reading and updating modules with subdirectories
- fix getting dependencies reading the wrong variable
- change the button to toggle showing "up-to-date" modules into a checkbox (saved)
First alpha super early release test
First alpha super early release test.
Built for MacOS and and Windows.