Create custom scripts for FPPW to organize fMRI data to the BIDS format.
The folders Linux-OSX and Windows provided here contain a scripts to convert DICOM images to nifti files together with json files that are appropriate for the BIDS format. They use a tool called MRIcroGL (see dependencies) to do so. Note, many variables have to be entered manually before the script can be run (see tutorial).
Running the scripts should create folder structures and re-name files to the BIDS standard.
Link to BIDS information.
We try to reduce the amount of dependencies to run these scripts. However, you will need a tool called dcm2niix, which is part of MRIcroGL to convert DICOM images to nifti files. Please download and install MRIcroGL first.
Furthermore, while not necessary, it is useful to have Git installed on your system.
Will be added in the future.
The scripts are still under development! Please report bugs/suggestions at